I have decided to gear future Reiki/Energy Healing courses toward the people who believe in a God concept and KNOW IT TO BE TRUE. People do not want their beliefs tampered with, and they do not want to feel as if they are lesser-than. The general attitude is AGAINST belief in a higher power. Like, […]
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If you’re feeling so low you want to go bezerk, or just lie down and sleep for 24 hours when you really want to be up and “cracking,” you may be depressed. I am not a psychologist but a God-centered person here to help sufferers relieve their buried feelings. How? At the holistic health entry […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Articles & News, Women
- Tagged with : black men, crazy, depressed, depression, Dr. Boyce Watkins, emotions, free your feelings, overwhelm, stress, stressors
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It caught my eye — a brochure about the “ancient gift” of frankincense (oil and tree) being supported by modern science. This got me to thinking…. Did you know YOU are an ancient gift, and that YOU are supported by modern science? Not only that, the ancient scientists, allies on this plane, and advocates on other planes […]
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Reflections on Thoughts As Spiritual Energies You Need To Keep Calmed Down: With the tumult of the previous season in the past, I find myself aware of moving out of my head and into the energy of One-With-My-Heart as much as possible. Aware God-consciousness has a healing effect on every area of my life, despite […]
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My lifework is to help professionals who feel drained or are at a crossroads in their life to be real with themselves and their relationships. I love to see clients take flight from the power that unifying with their truth gives them. I offer Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) & Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) services at: The […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Essential Oils, Reiki, Stress, Pain, Tapping (EFT)
- Tagged with : aroma freedom technique, Breast Imaging, driving, EFT, energy, essential oils, Flowers Healing Arts, flowersmd.com, focus, healmobile, holistic health, mental clarity, reiki, self-healing, Spectron IR, stress, tapping
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A New York Times article about the mortality rate of Black mothers gives shocking credence to the concept of generational trauma; its injury is real and more harmful than we think. It also helps me to understand why I’ve been unable to write a post in awhile. An aspect of depression had settled into […]
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Using Ylang-Ylang to Heal Your Feelings and Heart Space — A Meditation and Guide Including 7 Reasons to Always Have Ylang-Ylang on Hand! Healing takes wanting to be whole, wanting to be loved, wanting to be at peace, in oneness, with oneself. This morning, traveling through several cities, I saw many women cleaning snow off their cars so […]
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Everyone Needs EOs : The following list, 8 Reasons Why Everyone Needs Essential Oils, is from a talk I gave at Jahment Holistic School. Consider attending to earn your holistic health consultant certification from the only such school approved in New York State. 1.ANCIENT WISDOM & TRADITIONAL USES The Ancients knew much more than we do about […]
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Are there Muslims, Christians and other devout believers in your family? Almost a silly question! What about Hebrew Israelites, Yogis, Jews, Buddhists, Yoruba and Santeria followers, and Sufis? Anyone who holds their relationship to their Creator as sacred is included in this message. I had to write it because some people think hand-healing is against their […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Reiki, Stress, Pain
- Tagged with : believers, Bible, christian, energy, grace, muslim, Odu Ifa, quran, reiki, reiki training, religion, stress, submitter, yoruba
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The post continues the “bad food habits” overview with a focus on sunflower seeds. These are my second favorite snack after popcorn. As a child I ate them shelled, but as an adult I usually eat them raw. This is a prevention topic on your HealMobile path to above-the-line health (per Nutrition and You data). Delicious, […]
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