About Niamo
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BESIDES BEING BLESSED TO SERVE AS A LIGHT WORKER and “HealMobile,” Niamo Nancy Muid is a nonprofit specialist with decades of experience in fundraising, communications, compliance, and development of national and regional organizations. Currently, she is board of directors secretary of a 33-year-old organization dedicated to transformational education. She helped them to become tax-exempt in 2005. A proud a facilitator of the International Black Summit Inc., she is also an original member of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) Legal Defense, Research and Education Fund.
Rev. Niamo has worked for National Black United Fund, National Council of Negro Women, National Black United Federation of Charities and the Uhuru Sasa Shule with Jitu Weusi. In the past she was affiliated with Essence Magazine, National Association of Black Social Workers, and IHRAAM, the International Human Rights Association of American Minorities NGO, based in Canada. She is a retired Major Gifts Officer of the City College of the City University of New York. She raised millions of dollars in funding for STEM education and invigorated or established fundraising boards of directors for the schools of science, engineering and architecture.
The HealMobile Ministry is Rev. Niamo’s service that teaches self-healing and instructs leaders how to heal themselves and their organizations using energy medicine and transformative conversation. She is an energy-healing master teacher, certified life coach, ordained minister-practitioner, certified spiritual aromatherapist, and nonviolent communication specialist. She holds a master’s of science in City and Regional Planning and baccalaureate degrees in Art and Communications. Rev. Niamo is the author of five books. The latest is Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism.
PURPOSE: To teach leaders how to heal themselves and their organizations.
IN 2022, The HealMobile is targeting essential front line workers such as nurses, physicians, nurse practitioners, medical technologists, social workers, social program leaders, activists, EMT professionals and the like. All services are Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime if in-person meetings aren’t possible.
Heroes and sheroes — do you want to learn energy medicine AND strengthen your immune system? This is an offer to help you sharpen decision-making holistically. See for yourself how holistic approaches can easily integrate into workplaces and medical settings.
Individuals can learn energy massage, meridian touch therapy, aromatherapy for clinical settings and mental health first aid interventions in the Reiki 1&2 / Energy Healing 101 course. Learn more here.
Organization and business leaders can help their teams “go holistic, not ballistic.” Text GROUP HEALING and your preferred time for a free consultation, and your name, to: (201) 966-1170.
More About Niamo
In addition to Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism, Niamo co-wrote a booklet, Removing Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome Using Essential Oils, with Shakira Abdul-Ali. Another book, Nine Principles for Loving Living, is available in digital format on a different website.
In fact, Niamo co-authored a column in the 1990s about Sufism and wrote an award-winning book about spiritual Islam in 1999. “HealMobile” as an idea gestated during this period and popped into her head years later, after a month of Ramadan fasting.
HealMobile is Niamo’s name for “vehicle of spirit.” Radiating “life force” since a child, Nancy saw ethereal beings and influenced situations before she could even speak about them. Her experiences translated into artist, art critic and cultural activist & planner visions that she was blessed to realize early on. She envisioned working at Essence magazine and got her dream job as a staff editor fresh out of college.
In college she had visited many nations in Africa and Asia. As a magazine journalist her upbringing and college days of biblical, yoga, and Sufi studies got confirmed in real life. She eventually embraced cultural nationalism in the 1970s.
Niamo’s commitment to the “souls of Black folk” is especially inspired by group work and training with the African Medicine Women of New Jersey and United Submitters International.
Among her most enlightening experiences are those that led to certification in holistic health services and the many organizations and movements that profoundly influence her spiritual growth and healing. Her role models include tree-planter and Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai and Royal Crown Diamond Frances Fuller who opened up Asia for Young Living Essential Oils company. Visit and/or purchase essential oils through Niamo’s YLEO portal.
Teach leaders how to heal themselves and their organizations!