About Niamo Muid
BESIDES BEING BLESSED TO SERVE AS A LIGHT WORKER, Niamo Nancy Muid is a nonprofit specialist with decades of experience in fundraising, communications, compliance, and development of national and regional organizations. She is currently secretary of the board of directors of a 33-year-old organization dedicated to transformational education, which she helped to become tax-exempt in 2005. She is a facilitator of the International Black Summit Inc and was one of the original members of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) Legal Defense, Research and Education Fund. She has worked for National Black United Fund, National Council of Negro Women, National Black United Federation of Charities and the Uhuru Sasa Shule with Jitu Weusi. In the past she was affiliated with Essence Magazine, National Association of Black Social Workers, and IHRAAM, the International Human Rights Association of American Minorities NGO, based in Canada. She is a retired Major Gifts Officer of the City College of the City University of New York, where she raised millions of dollars in funding for STEM programs and reinvigorated or established fundraising boards of directors for the schools of science, engineering and architecture. The HealMobile Ministry is Rev. Niamo’s service that teaches self-healing and instructs leaders how to heal themselves and their organizations using energy medicine and transformative conversation. She is an energy-healing master teacher, certified life coach, ordained minister-practitioner, certified spiritual aromatherapist, and nonviolent communication specialist. She holds a master's of science in City and Regional Planning and baccalaureate degrees in Art and Communications. Rev. Niamo is the author of five books; the latest is Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism.You CAN defeat loneliness and align with Oneness that answers the deepest questions about your life. I call this state oneness, and to want a feeling of oneness with All That Is is natural and universal for human beings. Being inside of it, with it or within this feeling of oneness feels like an alignment […]
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I love identifying HealMobiles, that is, new healing mobile units, spreading throughout the communities. Here’s the newest I’ve seen: The number of health-care screening busses and vans going out to communities has only increased in recent years. From their GoFundMe website, here’s what the Sistas Van is about: SISTAS VAN PHILOSOPHY & RADICAL CARE STATEMENT […]
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The body has natural energy centers that have to be optimized to do their work. Unfortunately, we humans often compromise them. Also known as vortexes, aritu or chakras, these energy centers are the body’s connection to all life. Because they are both terrestrial and celestial, these centers are monumental in importance. According to ancient knowledge, […]
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Using oils to reinforce how you believe in yourself is known, especially in Europe. There, essential oils are employed by medical and psychiatric doctors as well as certified aromatherapists to increase self-confidence and positive mental states as well as build the immune system. Essential oils are also used worldwide to decrease the symptoms and causes […]
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In the U.S., oncology MD’s want to find a cancer cure more than anything else, and there are all sorts of drugs and pharma products being produced daily to address the need. On the other hand, holistic medicine men and women here and abroad know a least ten (10) ways to stop or alleviate the […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Essential Oils, Women
- Tagged with : cancer, oncology
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Fish! The ocean dwellers of all kinds are the newest focus of environmentalists. A meal of fish is also targeted by people who are leaving red meat alone. Yet researchers confirm the communal practices and human-like sentience of sea creatures. For some this means human beings must not eat them. I disagree. As many scriptural […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News
- Tagged with : family health, fish, Guyana
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Business is truly busy-ness, being in a nest of activity, doing and working nonstop. Being busy as a bee and the buzz is all-important. As I consider the shift in my life over the past few months, the role of business in healing self and kind has new and fresh meaning for me. The world […]
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Summer on the U.S. East Coast means watermelons with seeds to me, but I’m hard pressed to find them. I feel bewildered that the supermarkets boast “seedless watermelons” as if someone begged them to. I’d like to know who that is, so I can give them a piece of my mind! The peace of mind […]
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Money energy is what reparations for African descendants are all about. Reparations mean a transformation of families and communities in such a way that the injuries endured over time are finally healed. The conversation about individual healing practices and healing attitudes is circulating in many communities right now. Yet few people speak of the money-healing […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News
- Tagged with : attitudes, black summit, emotions, energy, healing, money, rage, slavery
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Yes, you can maintain peace while attached to social media, emails and the smartphone. You can even find peace if you look for it among 100s of messages. The joy of connection, as the pictured men possess, is possible and we need more of it. The key is to choose the ways you interact and what […]
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