6 Kinds of PEACE in Handling Social Media & Emails
- 20
- Jun

Yes, you can maintain peace while attached to social media, emails and the smartphone. You can even find peace if you look for it among 100s of messages. The joy of connection, as the pictured men possess, is possible and we need more of it.
The key is to choose the ways you interact and what kind of messages you respond to. The following list touches key aspects of Self that are present with our social engagements.
- A Peace of Empowerment comes when you delete religiously. This theme will be repeated! Cyber-information seeks to empower but often burdens. I delete everything I have no use for at the moment. Saying NO and feeling empowered is the result of inbox clearing to zero. I get there maybe 2-3x a week, and it feels so good.
- A Peace of Wholeness is available when you vigilantly whittle; that is, save, segment, or create a smart mailbox. The messages claim to give you wholeness, wellbeing, and “being in the know.” What Millennials are loving and what the OG’s of all stripes are advising in this new environment is important. But satisfying curiosity is not the same as fulfilling my needs. I’m whole
already, since I’m breathing! - A Peace of Exclusivity is great for identifying boundaries and limiting robocalls and auto-emails. These may truly be a one-of-a-kind product/service/training. So what? Don’t forget the importance of your previous objectives. Now, I Favorite and Follow only those that are most aligned with my goals.
- A Peace of Productivity is the #1 reason you have to limit excess, many would say. You may disappear if you don’t accept their list- and business-building approach. But this abundant world offers YOU as your most productive contribution, and your time/space is valuable. I watch one video or listen to one podcast a week to hear the latest news, take note of inspiring ideas, and leave the rest alone.
- A Peace of Impartiality. To be impartial is to treat everyone alike, and not be a “respecter of persons.” Segment emails and respond to those that align 100% with your authentic self. When my attention is grabbed by magnetic subject lines or images, I take a deep breath first. Then I erase like crazy since they have nothing to do with my present project(s!). And it feels like cleaning away clutter.
- A Peace of Mind is the bottom line. Hemispheres of the body, the world, and the spiritual realm present a lot of Us/Them energy. However, the unity of mental faculties requires choosing the big picture over the microcosm. At this point, the laws of attraction and resonance give me Internet messages that fulfill my current needs. Cookies could be the reason, but I wouldn’t ignore mental focus.

Give Peace a Chance for a Change
In conclusion, the effort to release the dependency on the Internet takes its toll. I’ve saved enough awe-inspiring images to use on my websites or on a social media page. I’ve taken more than enough courses to liberate my mind from mental slavery, as Bob Marley says. Your solution may be to divorce the Internet, emails and social media, but you can also choose to tame it.
When you give yourself the gift of peace, despite winds of change presented by constant cyber-information, you reclaim your beingness. After all, we are here to use this earth to improve our condition, not to be slaves to what we create.
We made computing, so let’s make it heel!
Acknowledge new bits of info as workable conditions, rather than as problems, roadblocks or obstacles. Things happen the way they are supposed to– you know that!
Each of us has the responsibility to be happy with the life we make for ourselves, step by step. Others will say what they want, email, intend, visually shock or even imprint subliminally, forever.
Using the above tips, maintain your peace despite
–Rev. Niamo Nancy
The main oil I diffused while completing this post was frankincense. For the first draft, I also used the Memory Release Blend and additional oils to reduce the hectic life as explained in this post. If you feel overwhelmed and would like an appointment to talk about your Life At A Crossroads, reach out. 15 minute consultations are gratis.
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