Tag Archives: slavery

Money Energy for Transformation of Families and Communities

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Money energy is what reparations for African descendants are all about. Reparations mean a transformation of families and communities in such a way that the injuries endured over time are finally healed. The conversation about individual healing practices and healing attitudes is circulating in many communities right now. Yet few people speak of the money-healing […]

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On MLK Day, A Healing & Transformational Message

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  As this Martin Luther King Day rolls around, many of us are taken aback by how much work has to be done to realize his dream of equal treatment of all U.S. residents. This is a time to thank many people for the work you have been doing to advance harmony, balance and healing […]

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9 Ways to Express Independence

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July Fourth. U.S. Day of Independence. My father Conrad Clare’s day of birth in 1925. As I grew older I called him a Maroon. These fabled and quite real escapees from enslavement took to the hills on Jamaica and other islands. Couldn’t be caught. Couldn’t be tamed. Did it their way. I’ve always cherished pictures […]

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5 Biggest Lies About YOU

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  “It is what it is [disease/illness], there’s no cure and nothing I can do.” “Ain’t nobody got time for…me.“ “I can’t see it any other way.” “I just need two more years and I’m good.” “I’m not selling anything. Let’s take them from the top. 1. “It is what it is [disease/illness], there’s no cure and nothing I can do.” Anyone who […]

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Be and Don’t Be Haiti

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Are you the Haiti of your life? Did you declare your liberation from the oppressive forces disabling your freedom? Are you being forced to pay a foreign invader for the income IT LOST by no longer enslaving you? Are you the victim of MANMADE EARTHQUAKES or manmade –meaning agent provocateur—  upheaval, murder and mayhem in your […]

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The HealMobile Team and I have been working on several videos recently, and in the coming months I hope to make more information available without cost to HealMobile.com visitors.           Viewing these videos will help you to get to know us and hopefully you will join us in this movement to add pure […]

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[grwebform url=”https://app.getresponse.com/view_webform_v2.js?u=4LCy&webforms_id=7709405″ css=”on” center=”off” center_margin=”200″/] YOUR FRIENDS — WHO ARE THEY? There is an important relationships between the friends we have and keep, and the slave/master syndrome afflicting the world and especially the U.S. today. The aim of the webinar above — it’s really a workshop — is to use our holistic armament to totally transform the old paradigm. […]

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