The body has natural energy centers that have to be optimized to do their work. Unfortunately, we humans often compromise them. Also known as vortexes, aritu or chakras, these energy centers are the body’s connection to all life. Because they are both terrestrial and celestial, these centers are monumental in importance. According to ancient knowledge, […]
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Be the Bold Woman You Really Are Bold woman, I’m wondering if you say the right kinds of thoughts to yourself. If you don’t, you should. Many of you bold men may also need these reminders about possessing courage and being persistent despite fear: 1.“Well-behaved women seldom make history.” – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich 2. “Every person who […]
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There are springtime oils and aromas you must have for a timely, seasonal tune-up. These essential oils are made from the energy of newly budding green matter. Your intention is to heal yourself into springtime oils energy. You’re officially out of hibernation and other forms of self-imposed sleep. Choose pure oils like you choose juices for juicing […]
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- Essential Oils
- Tagged with : essential oils, eucalyptus, lavender, YLEO
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Pain-brain blues continue! In “The Smell of Pain,” an article published by the Naturopathic Doctor News and Review, Sarah A. LoBisco, ND, argues that chronic pain affects more people than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. Based on researched compiled by the American Academy of Pain Management, …50-75% of patients dying of cancer report pain, even […]
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Q: How do Essential Oils (EOs) change someone’s mental state? A. The power of breath, reversed. Breathe in deeply! “Nature’s living energy” contains unique constituents that become available on inhalation, and these constituents play a major role in changing one’s mental state. It is actually better to be familiar with the plant that a particular oil comes from, […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Articles & News, Essential Oils
- Tagged with : breathe, essential oils, eucalyptus, holistic health, lavender, rosemary
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6 Favorite Oil Blends
- 17
- Nov

I stand by the essential oil blends listed below, and couldn’t do without them. I know reading a list is quite different from using the oils and you may have a lot of questions. Text me at (201) 966-1170 or ask a question in your response below. No Live Support yet! For more about the value of uncut essential oils, […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Essential Oils
- Tagged with : cinnamon bark, essential oils, eucalyptus, ginger, lavender, lime, oil blends, peppermint, tea tree, vanilla
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Cold Season!
- 12
- Nov

The moderator at African American therapists shares these tips on how to prepare for the cold(er) season of winter. You can still you these ideas if you reside in a warmer area, since nature has a way of letting herself be known through hurricanes, tornados and more, and comfort techniques are always good! People come in hacking and struggling, […]
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