In this first month of the New Year, I’m grateful for the growth I see behind me and the growth I see ahead. There are two ways I’d like to acknowledge this twin growth. Acknowledging The HealMobile Team PLEASE SEE THE VIDEO ON THE FACEBOOK.COM/HEALMOBILE PAGE and Like it! (updated 1/17/17) In the spirit of gratitude, […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Articles & News, Essential Oils
- Tagged with : healmobile, holistic, self-growth, YLEO
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7 Reasons to Retire Early
- 08
- Jan
This is a message for people who may want to stop their day-to-day grind and are reconsidering their future. They’ve put in five to 10 or so years and are looking at options beyond the 401K or 503B retirement or pension program. The main reasons to retire early is holistic health –mind-body-emotions-spirit– and the prospect of a long, wealthy life […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Articles & News, Reiki, Stress, Pain
- Tagged with : holistic health, retirement, self-growth, self-healing, stress, wealth
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FAQ Money Consciousness
- 29
- Dec

Today is Ujamaa, the Kwanzaa principle of cooperative economics. Many people recommend economic prosperity as the answer for healing the families and communities in which we find ourselves. This has resulted in the proliferation of buy Black campaigns across the country. Here are a few questions that people ask in hushed tones so as not to be seen […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Articles & News, Kwanzaa
- Tagged with : African wisdom, economics, holistic health, kwanzaa, mental clarity, self-growth, yoruba
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Twice As Nice Signal Poem
- 24
- Dec
i want to say something about the men in my life (i am a woman). there are two men in my life and there always are. there are always two of everything in my life, and one day i shall write about it. (among the sisters i have two zakiyyahs! who woulda thunk?) in the meantime i […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Poetry
- Tagged with : self-growth, signaling
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4 Reasons You Remain STUCK
- 07
- Dec

Despite your outstanding creativity, gorgeous future, compelling achievements and one-with-all spirituality, you may STILL feel you are not moving ahead the way you’d like to. Here are four reasons you may be at a standstill: I. EXPECTATIONS For planning and teaching children, expectations have a purpose. However, they need to occupy a rightful place instead of preoccupying you to […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Reiki, Stress, Pain
- Tagged with : attitude, healmobile, holistic health, impatience, religion, self-growth, spiritual healing, stuck, yoruba
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Healthy people observe themselves, and take note as their needs change over time. They take self-healing initiatives to understand what works best for them and move in that direction. But what happens if you are stuck doing work that you no longer like, or stuck in a relationship that just doesn’t seem to nurture you? Does your health get better? Or […]
Continue readingIs the HealMobile any more than an effort to help people grow healthier, embrace their light and step into their purpose, and earn money while doing it? Actually, not much! My vision is joy in the hearts. The HealMobile serves people of color specifically and all people in the world generally. Joy is shorthand for creativity acting as […]
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Being online IS too often a drag, and it “sets you off” because your follow-through is atrocious. When I say “sets you off,” I am speaking about how you resent the burgeoning weight of the Internet marketplace and society, and its overarching role as a proving ground for who YOU are as a human being with the right to […]
Continue readingAsk yourself “Who Am I?” This is often the main query coming out of the mouths of self-growth leaders in workshops such as those offered by Landmark Education, International Black Summit and other groups. I’m realizing the need to ask myself better questions has prompted a huge change in the way I view certain problems in my life. Especially recurring ones. […]
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