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The Business of Self-Development

Is the HealMobile any more than an effort to help people grow healthier, embrace their light and step into their purpose, and earn money while doing it?


Actually, not much!

My vision is joy in the hearts. The HealMobile serves people of color specifically and all people in the world generally.

Joy is shorthand for creativity acting as a holistic catalyst in healing people’s lives.

Joy looks like people enjoying nature, creating things with their hands, and singing and dancing with others and in performance.

Being joyful is an opportunity to feel creative and inspired.

I’m inspired when enjoying others’ experience of essential oils, Reiki, tapping, chakra-aura cleansing and foot detox, not to mention law of attraction coaching.

It is as if we are creating something new together, and we both bloom.

This is the business part: I am compensated for facilitating your self-development; for helping you in recreating, reviving and expanding your previously blurred visions for your life.

This business of self-development is to live for.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid


We’ve been on SelfGrowth.com for over a decade. Read the articles and consider becoming a member there. (The contact information there is outdated FYI. Working on updating today!)


You have probably heard that the optimum position for your health is above the line. When stress, overwork, overwhelm, and other conditions place you and your health under the line, it’s time to call The HealMobile. 😀


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