Category Archives: Essential Oils

Your Journey into Self

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I’m reading this book that is really a hand-holding guide to self-assurance. It’s called Your Journey Into Self: A Return To Your True Self and it’s written by Sayy W. Pauly, a dear friend and spiritual leader to all who know her. It’s available on Amazon as well as on her website. I give it […]

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Aroma Freedom — A Technique for Hapi-ness

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I’m excited about offering a new technique for clearing body-mind spirit blocks and accessing your inner Hapi River (aka the Nile), better known as contentment or happiness. The technique allows participants to have their life essence flow by virtue of simply SMELLING ESSENTIAL OILS. The beauty of it, and main prerequisite, is you need the regular […]

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  Part 3: No Waiting, Act Now, Give Back The Weight!   This is the conclusion of our venture into how to lose weight by not losing it, but giving it back to the universe from which it has come. These final five tips are perhaps the most common methods most people come across when they […]

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Mind-Healing is #1 on the Holistic Agenda

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Are you conscious? Aware? Maybe you feel confused, actually. Consciousness and awareness help to bring about “mind-healing.” Cultivating these faculties can recharge your brain and change your mind for the better, to sharpen and develop it so it can guide your life. Mind-body-spirit health really begins in the brain. It is said that if you […]

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Chakra-Aura Cleansing [Rain-Drop] Technique Oils

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What you need to know! The “raindrop” technique requires nine oils, listed below in order of application. This Chakra-Aura Cleansing Technique is a bodywork modality developed by D. Gary Young and the Lakota Sioux Elders who shared their “Northern Lights” traditions with him. (Essential oil actions and benefits are compiled from Aromatherapy for Health Professionals […]

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High Oil Frequency = Generation of Energy & Power

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Oil Frequency: The effectiveness of essential oils cannot be fully understood without some discussion of the electro-vibratory rate at which the oils generate. Adapted from “Biofrequency and Disease” compiled by Kathy Kouwe Frequency is a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points. Every living thing has an electrical frequency. Robert […]

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The EOs Desk Reference

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Your Gift to Yourself — The EOs Desk Reference For serious energy-frequency researchers, an essential oils desk reference is essential. Find a compilation that describes the constituents of oils and oil blends that are possible to give qualitative, health-giving results. Look into the Higley’s compilation, or those put out by Essential Science Publishing. One of the […]

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Tips for Holistic Living, 2015 YL Convention review

  This video talks about essential oils and the stellar convention last August in Texas. Learn about lots of new products and the “Light Your Fire” theme.

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Using Essential Oils For the Lost-Found Search

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Ever searched for someone lost? Or felt the energy of something missing? Holistic and spiritual energy to the rescue… What am I talking about? A recent reconnection with a dear college friend, and our declaration to search for the third member of our trio! Our oneness was palpable then, and still is now. Seeking your […]

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Clinical or therapy oils are also known as medicinal-use (or therapeutic-grade) oils. Other names are volatile oils, essences, aromatics, infusions, though each of these have their own shade of meaning. According to the Freebase dictionary: “An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as […]

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