Join The Business Doctor: ATTEND “Let Me Live Debt Free” ONLINE WORKSHOP ON AUGUST 30, 2017. TACKLE AT LEAST ONE SOURCE OF MONEY PROBLEMS. (Adapted from a collaboration between Chasing the Dream and Next Avenue; Jennifer Nelson, writer.) If you are having money problems, it’s quite possible they are causing you physical pain. People who […]
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There are ways to be energetic when don’t have the energy and work must get done. But how to do it without caffeine? And 5-Hour Energy drinks? There’s are 100s of ways to increase energy, and I describe scores of them on this blog and site. Your nerves take a beating from the stress of […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Articles & News, Essential Oils, Reiki, Stress, Pain
- Tagged with : energy, lavender, peppermint, stress
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5 Foods to Build Up Melanin
- 16
- May

I’ve missed posting since being on vacation! Glad to say I made a lot of progress working on my book about Reiki, the universal energy, and Africamericans. In my research I came across Natureboy and Naturegirl on YouTube, and they had engaging things to say about our bodies, and melanin, the pigment that colors the skin. As you know, whatever you […]
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On the road to keep shining. Are you staying in your lane, and keeping spirit-mind-body health “above the line” such that you glow, are happier, and feel deeply successful? For me and many others, this winter/spring 2017 has been a roller coaster. So, I for one am getting off! As I prepare to go decompress on vacation, I’m […]
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I confess my thoughts almost defeated me…. Lack of energy is one of the primary reasons we are susceptible to stress. The miracle body is doing its work internally, and we think doing more work, externally, will help. This is a bad habit. The tug of war is one we lose, because when the body […]
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And YOU May Too A Real Break. Life sometimes offers unique ways of showing up and you realize, Wow, this is just perfect! (Not tongue in check, either.) Well, I’ve just been chosen from among 100s to take a service trip to Nepal. The purpose is to help rebuild homes devastated by earthquake. This trip is an answer to […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Articles & News, Essential Oils, Reiki, Stress, Pain
- Tagged with : reiki, stress, tapping
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Why not tap emotions? I get lots of email from marketers talking about roadmaps* for your journey to success. The HealMobile idea is FIRST decide on your emotional success direction. A journey requires personal preparation that precedes using a map. PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and similar syndromes and disorders involve the heavy emotional burdens and residue from traumatic events.** The […]
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- Articles & News, Tapping (EFT)
- Tagged with : EFT, PTSD, stress, tapping
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Feminine products’ contamination is another reason to scrutinize products. Article by Carolanne Wright adapted from Wake Up World Typically we take for granted the safety of cotton products such as gauze, bandages, swabs, pads, wipes and even feminine products, like tampons and sanitary pads. In 2015 (recently made public), the University of La Plata in Argentina found that a […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Reiki, Stress, Pain, Videos
- Tagged with : healmobile, stress, women
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Men’s Anxiety On Our Plate What’s good for the goose is good for the gander? –very old saying. Two men offer old but fresh ways to relieve anxiety and stress. I’ve combined their viewpoints into one list. Most women would not allow viral-izing photos like the one above, yet it aptly captures the needs of men as a species. FOOD. Don’t conquer food, […]
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Dear Reader, I would lie if I said I didn’t have money challenges from time to time. The thoughts of not enough, costs too much, spent too much, don’t have what I need enter my brain because I allow them to. The outcome is a spirit-mind-body beset by worry, mental stress, and physical weakness. Turning […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health
- Tagged with : above the line health, stress
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