Energy teachers are educators of a different kind. I am blessed to have three great energy teachers whose contribution to my growth is immeasurable. They taught me about the universal life force or spiritual healing energy that many call Reiki. I briefly acknowledge their contributions in my book, Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism. Over the next […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Articles & News, Reiki, Stress, Pain
- Tagged with : energy, energy teachers, reiki, reiki training, women
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There are reasons you must learn Reiki now; reasons that seem astounding, I have to admit. But please, understand it before you judge or reject this wonderful tool. My new book, Light On Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism, spotlights why it is critical that people adopt a mode of energy self-healing like Reiki. Buy the digital version by […]
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The post continues the “bad food habits” overview with a focus on sunflower seeds. These are my second favorite snack after popcorn. As a child I ate them shelled, but as an adult I usually eat them raw. This is a prevention topic on your HealMobile path to above-the-line health (per Nutrition and You data). Delicious, […]
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FOOD HABITS. Who knew one of my favorite bad food habits contained the key to my genius? I can be too sensitive, generous to a fault and self-centered. This shaming speaks to my need to protect what I perceive as vulnerable, give what cannot be given (by me), and fulfill and recalibrate what I judge missing and imbalanced. […]
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Let me share the #1, hands down, indisputable way to change your life’s direction, and to jumpstart THE NEW for yourself. Yes, for a shift in fortune, this hands down, most insightful article teaches success-seekers to say NO to very specific things — holding onto the past toxic relationship unhealthy habits hating business or job situations that made him […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Articles & News, Essential Oils, Reiki, Stress, Pain, Women
- Tagged with : allergy, colonic, essential oils, gardening, rash, reiki, self-healing, women
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July Fourth. U.S. Day of Independence. My father Conrad Clare’s day of birth in 1925. As I grew older I called him a Maroon. These fabled and quite real escapees from enslavement took to the hills on Jamaica and other islands. Couldn’t be caught. Couldn’t be tamed. Did it their way. I’ve always cherished pictures […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Reiki, Stress, Pain
- Tagged with : father, independent, men, reiki, slavery
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The Bible describes nine types of fasting; the Quran describes two. The Internet has an article about five kinds of “intermittent” fasting. Which is best? This depends on lifestyle, and especially whether you work at home or away from home. It also depends on how you define a fast. Withholding from eating, drinking, desserts or […]
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Sometimes healthy habits are not what you do, but what you no longer do. Such is the case with many of the healthy habits recommended by doctors before you reach 30. I was just discussing our parents’ heart trouble with a relative, and he mentioned that eating two bananas daily contains enough potassium needed to stave off […]
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- 16
- May

I’ve missed posting since being on vacation! Glad to say I made a lot of progress working on my book about Reiki, the universal energy, and Africamericans. In my research I came across Natureboy and Naturegirl on YouTube, and they had engaging things to say about our bodies, and melanin, the pigment that colors the skin. As you know, whatever you […]
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Everyone wants to boost immunity, but how to do it may elude you. These are the secret and simple habits to adopt and ace your efforts: 1. Imitate martial artists and meditators. They do deep breathing to aid circulation, lymph cleansing, heart-rate improvement and general physical optimization. Belly-breathing has to become one of your new […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News
- Tagged with : above the line health, energy, essential oils, herbs, reiki
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