Self-healing power is powerful IF you give it permission to be. As a mobile, healing entity made of physical bones and organic flesh, you are awesome. The physical part of you must be respected for the powerhouse it truly is, running 11 body systems* without a hitch. (list below) Every day is like a resurrection […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Tapping (EFT)
- Tagged with : awaken, body systems, energy power, energy tips, gratitude, morning routine, muslims, personal energy, petitgrain, prostration, resurrection, sajda, self-healing, sleep, sujud, tapping, third eye, tiger woods, vetiver, writing
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Online Meetings
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Niamo Muid’s HealMobile Online Meetings EVERY 1ST AND 3RD MONDAY 7:00 PM ET (US/Canada), through 12/17/2018 Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/431882915 Meeting ID: 431 882 915 (Allow enough time to join Zoom.us.) Participate in Online Meetings by Phone iPhone one-tap: US: +16699006833,,431882915# or +16465588656,,431882915# Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a […]
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My lifework is to help professionals who feel drained or are at a crossroads in their life to be real with themselves and their relationships. I love to see clients take flight from the power that unifying with their truth gives them. I offer Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) & Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) services at: The […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Essential Oils, Reiki, Stress, Pain, Tapping (EFT)
- Tagged with : aroma freedom technique, Breast Imaging, driving, EFT, energy, essential oils, Flowers Healing Arts, flowersmd.com, focus, healmobile, holistic health, mental clarity, reiki, self-healing, Spectron IR, stress, tapping
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Arghhh! Health indicators! The sickness barometers, better known as health indicators, announce that whole-life healing is needed in our lives. You can calibrate your whole life and its inner workings by bringing your many aspects into harmony so you feel more balanced. When you do, you succeed in healing the physical burdens, and more, that […]
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Energetics is how I describe the many pathways to your ongoing healthy state and self-healing structure. You basically run on the energetics of mind, body and spirit. The emotional contentment you possess is the balance beam upon which you keep yourself, through your energeticism, above-the-line in health and wellness. The HealMobile loves all things […]
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Sometimes healthy habits are not what you do, but what you no longer do. Such is the case with many of the healthy habits recommended by doctors before you reach 30. I was just discussing our parents’ heart trouble with a relative, and he mentioned that eating two bananas daily contains enough potassium needed to stave off […]
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I confess my thoughts almost defeated me…. Lack of energy is one of the primary reasons we are susceptible to stress. The miracle body is doing its work internally, and we think doing more work, externally, will help. This is a bad habit. The tug of war is one we lose, because when the body […]
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Why not tap emotions? I get lots of email from marketers talking about roadmaps* for your journey to success. The HealMobile idea is FIRST decide on your emotional success direction. A journey requires personal preparation that precedes using a map. PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and similar syndromes and disorders involve the heavy emotional burdens and residue from traumatic events.** The […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Articles & News, Tapping (EFT)
- Tagged with : EFT, PTSD, stress, tapping
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Be the Bold Woman You Really Are Bold woman, I’m wondering if you say the right kinds of thoughts to yourself. If you don’t, you should. Many of you bold men may also need these reminders about possessing courage and being persistent despite fear: 1.“Well-behaved women seldom make history.” – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich 2. “Every person who […]
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I now have “kids” evidence that tapping or EFT reduces pain. I had the opportunity to do tapping with my nine-year-old grandson this weekend. His horrific eye pain occurred after watching the movie Power Rangers. We had attended a 6:55pm show. “The flashes and explosions alarmed my eyes,” he said. The movie was over two hours long. He has light brown […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Essential Oils, Reiki, Stress, Pain, Tapping (EFT)
- Tagged with : EFT, frankincense, reiki, tapping
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