About Niamo Muid
BESIDES BEING BLESSED TO SERVE AS A LIGHT WORKER, Niamo Nancy Muid is a nonprofit specialist with decades of experience in fundraising, communications, compliance, and development of national and regional organizations. She is currently secretary of the board of directors of a 33-year-old organization dedicated to transformational education, which she helped to become tax-exempt in 2005. She is a facilitator of the International Black Summit Inc and was one of the original members of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) Legal Defense, Research and Education Fund. She has worked for National Black United Fund, National Council of Negro Women, National Black United Federation of Charities and the Uhuru Sasa Shule with Jitu Weusi. In the past she was affiliated with Essence Magazine, National Association of Black Social Workers, and IHRAAM, the International Human Rights Association of American Minorities NGO, based in Canada. She is a retired Major Gifts Officer of the City College of the City University of New York, where she raised millions of dollars in funding for STEM programs and reinvigorated or established fundraising boards of directors for the schools of science, engineering and architecture. The HealMobile Ministry is Rev. Niamo’s service that teaches self-healing and instructs leaders how to heal themselves and their organizations using energy medicine and transformative conversation. She is an energy-healing master teacher, certified life coach, ordained minister-practitioner, certified spiritual aromatherapist, and nonviolent communication specialist. She holds a master's of science in City and Regional Planning and baccalaureate degrees in Art and Communications. Rev. Niamo is the author of five books; the latest is Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism.
If you are feeling hopeless– do not despair. There are ways to stay positive and open to good in all aspects of life. Even if Covid19 or another untimely situation has occurred, you can get beyond the pain or abrupt loss. Here are ways to be optimistic when life seems contrary and shocking. As my […]
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- Articles & News, Essential Oils, Reiki, Stress, Pain
- Tagged with : chakras, covenant, crown, energy massage, Higher Unity, hopeful, hopeless, money, reiki, soul, spiritual energy
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There is hope and it is said it “springs eternal.” Let us look more closely to see what can help us be aware of the gift that hope is, its present. We’ll notice its potential — the First Eye, clairvoyance, or future-we-feel aspects of hope. Then we’ll look at the flip side, the underside, the […]
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- Above The Line Health, Articles & News
- Tagged with : healing, holy, hope, noticing, oppression, optimism, pessimism
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Self-healing power is powerful IF you give it permission to be. As a mobile, healing entity made of physical bones and organic flesh, you are awesome. The physical part of you must be respected for the powerhouse it truly is, running 11 body systems* without a hitch. (list below) Every day is like a resurrection […]
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- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Tapping (EFT)
- Tagged with : awaken, body systems, energy power, energy tips, gratitude, morning routine, muslims, personal energy, petitgrain, prostration, resurrection, sajda, self-healing, sleep, sujud, tapping, third eye, tiger woods, vetiver, writing
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It’s TIME! Fight your justified fears with the energy of undiluted oils manufactured FOR THE PURPOSE OF HEALING. James Niederland, a fearless leader of my Young Living EO team, explains that essential oils give us restorative, healthy energy, which all humans need right now. This is because: Essential oils are natural – These precious oils are […]
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- Articles & News, Essential Oils
- Tagged with : amygdala, anger, citrus, emotions, essential oils, fear, frankincense, olfactory, trauma, ubuntu, Young Living Essential Oils
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Playlists… for Life
- 04
- Jun
By the time you read this, I will have learned to create a playlist for the YouTube videos that match the HealMobile agenda. I started keeping playlists after it dawned that my long-term relationship wasn’t working out. Every time I found myself in a funk about what went wrong, the next song I’d hear would […]
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- Above The Line Health, Articles & News
- Tagged with : music, passion, playlist, relationships
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Here’s a great article that confirms some basics about what strong people act like. Building healthy immunity refers to the ability of the body-mind to remain strong in the face of bacterial, viral and other assaults. Those who are weak are not up to the fight. As I’ve written in many posts and pages, one’s […]
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As we head into what seems like destiny end zone, the choices of life are suddenly just two. You are either going to be happy with life, or opt for continuous, hardworking discontent. There are two proofs of this. First is the coronavirus that defied easy healing in 2019 and became Covid-19, and second is […]
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- Articles & News
- Tagged with : 5G, Balance, coronavirus, covid-19, destiny, energy, Grow, holistic health, paradigm, proof, reiki, spiritual counselor, thought
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Is over-giving in your love and business partnership testing you or fleecing you? I’ve been experimenting with transitioning my healing energy business into an export/import business. Or rather, expanding The HealMobile to include the energy of money flowing in a global business. After months of trial and error, I realize they are two entirely separate […]
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- Articles & News
- Tagged with : apricot, argan, business, CBD, energy, evening primrose, frankincense, money, orange, tapping, vetiver, vibrations, ylang ylang, Young Living Essential Oils
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An aspect of the Oneness imperative: I am here to give a different version of upbeat (Batá drum beat). “HealMobile” is used by a Florida animal hospital and someone else, according to Google, uses the name as two words. For me, being The HealMobile, I choose the word-phrase to describe my social agency or contribution […]
Continue readingIf You Want Direction…
- 11
- Jan
YOU: H e l p !!! I’ve lost direction. This way or that— don’t know WITCH way to turn! Feel like I’ve hit a brick wall. Been stopped dead in my tracks. Red light on e’erthing– no green light in sight. Right. Left. Can’t see what’s ahead either way. Hurting and need a rest. Sore […]
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- Articles & News
- Tagged with : direction, feelings, spiritual healing
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