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If You Want Direction…

YOU: H e l p !!! I’ve lost direction. This way or that— don’t know WITCH way to turn! Feel like I’ve hit a brick wall. Been stopped dead in my tracks. Red light on e’erthing– no green light in sight. Right. Left. Can’t see what’s ahead either way. Hurting and need a rest. Sore and tired, but gotta keep going.

ME: Wait a minute, just slow down and stop. Is your mind telling you there’s a red light, or the breath you tried to catch that you could not and now you’re dead!?

Still reading? I thought so! Not so bad — you are ALIVE. So, is it feelings telling you to avoid moving forward? That you may accelerate faster than ever and leave behind everything you know — if you let yourself really feel?

OR, are you the always-always-never person, like the TV-show cab driver (In Living Color)? How IS that prison of self-restraint working out? When do you allow yourself to experience progress or prosperity on the terrain of your world?

This is YOUR earth, damn it. Claim it!

Continue to read the article about five unique HealMobile services.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy

Written listening to Horace Silver (video above) and John Coltrane’s My Favorite Things. Oils used: Station of Nearness (Maqam al Qurb) spiritual balancing oil by Shaykh Chishti of Spiritual Aromatherapy.

Give me a shout if you want to explore your energy and direction text: 201-966-1170.

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