“I hold the space of energy medicine.” What is the HealMobile and what do I, as HealMobile driver, really do? Many people ask and the answer is really simple. I’m a deliverer of the energy medicine message, because everything I do has “energy as healing” running through it. My main services are Reiki, spiritual aromatherapy, […]
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Reflections on Thoughts As Spiritual Energies You Need To Keep Calmed Down: With the tumult of the previous season in the past, I find myself aware of moving out of my head and into the energy of One-With-My-Heart as much as possible. Aware God-consciousness has a healing effect on every area of my life, despite […]
Continue readingYOU & YOUR ENERGY!
- 31
- Aug

Did you know Life loves you and your energy? I’m proof Life loves me even when it doesn’t act like it (chuckle). Yes, I admit I still sometimes feel perplexed by life and people–how about you? The inner work seems never ending. I know you’re sharp, but you likely also bump up against assaults on […]
Continue readingAnxiety That You Can Solve
- 30
- Jul

Harvard Health Blog has an article about anxiety that got great feedback in the comments. Sometimes I feel as if I’m a bit overanxious about a matter, or worry too much. None of us is immune to this. The article is below, but first I want to offer this: Universal life force hand-healing –of Reiki– is […]
Continue readingReiki, Stress and Pain
- 17
- Jul

I gave myself Reiki –universal life force energy– this morning before arising, and the session took a good hour. Several times I traced my hands across my body, thinking I could complete the session and get my day going outside of the bedroom, but noticed a few more knots and pressure areas that needed attention. […]
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My lifework is to help professionals who feel drained or are at a crossroads in their life to be real with themselves and their relationships. I love to see clients take flight from the power that unifying with their truth gives them. I offer Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) & Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) services at: The […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Essential Oils, Reiki, Stress, Pain, Tapping (EFT)
- Tagged with : aroma freedom technique, Breast Imaging, driving, EFT, energy, essential oils, Flowers Healing Arts, flowersmd.com, focus, healmobile, holistic health, mental clarity, reiki, self-healing, Spectron IR, stress, tapping
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Are there Muslims, Christians and other devout believers in your family? Almost a silly question! What about Hebrew Israelites, Yogis, Jews, Buddhists, Yoruba and Santeria followers, and Sufis? Anyone who holds their relationship to their Creator as sacred is included in this message. I had to write it because some people think hand-healing is against their […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Reiki, Stress, Pain
- Tagged with : believers, Bible, christian, energy, grace, muslim, Odu Ifa, quran, reiki, reiki training, religion, stress, submitter, yoruba
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Sexual Energy and REIKI
- 17
- Oct

I have met people concerned about sexual energy stimulated though Reiki. This can occur with certain forms of massage, but is always dependent on the energy of the massage therapist. With Reiki the situation is no different, although the light touch or no-touch aspect makes mixed messages less of an issue. Reiki does not only […]
Continue readingThis series of great teachers of Reiki ends with my newest, hands-on energy teacher, Peter Goldbeck. Peter is a long lost relative with whom I recently connected. We chose our parents, extended family and upbringing before we were born, knowing we would eventually align on this journey of assisting others towards Light. We reconnected while […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Articles & News, Reiki, Stress, Pain, Videos
- Tagged with : chakras, energy, Peter Goldbeck, reiki, reiki training, spiritual healing
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One of the great energy teachers on my journey is Grandmaster Khalid A. Shakoor. He was my second teacher of Reiki (spiritual healing energy), and he led me far deeper into the Sufi and qi (chi) aspects of Reiki. It is through his dedication, training and assistance that I became attuned to and initiated as […]
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