Home » Above The Line Health » YOU & YOUR ENERGY!


Did you know Life loves you and your energy? I’m proof Life loves me even when it doesn’t act like it (chuckle). Yes, I admit I still sometimes feel perplexed by life and people–how about you? The inner work seems never ending.
I know you’re sharp, but you likely also bump up against assaults on your energy — unexplainable pains-in-the-butt (or body!), draining people, and worn-out patterns that no longer allow you to feel free.

You’re at the right place, because I help life jugglers like you, who are are at a crossroads in so many different ways, to BE REAL with themselves and their relationships. You CAN be inspired, get relief and get going as you become balanced in your contentment (and commitment) and remove those roadblocks on your path. I’ll ride shotgun as The HealMobile! (Start your journey with a consult by reaching out on Facebook.)

Learn to Build Your Energy

What’s more, I’ll teach you scientifically proven techniques to permanently dissolve obstacles and fearlessly embrace your dreams. Your energy has to recapture and maintain its high frequency for your optimum health.
I know you want to reach your self-growth horizon. It may take some work, but in as little as 90 minutes to 90 days you can have progress and see positive, unpredictable results in your life. In other words, you may come out of one session– or four or ten–with just what you need. Learn more about how to Free Your Feelings™ here.
You definitely need to learn why assessing your energy is important, and energetic modalities should be in your self-healing toolbox.
By the way, that cross your heart Wakanda stance in the photo of me above was taken way before the film came out. In fact, it’s an energy self-healing tool I can tell you more about.;-D
–Rev. Niamo Nancy


I also help passionate leaders break through their limitations, strengthen their healing skills and recharge the groups they influence. Ask me how by texting (201) 966-1170.

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