Be the Bold Woman You Really Are Bold woman, I’m wondering if you say the right kinds of thoughts to yourself. If you don’t, you should. Many of you bold men may also need these reminders about possessing courage and being persistent despite fear: 1.“Well-behaved women seldom make history.” – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich 2. “Every person who […]
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There are springtime oils and aromas you must have for a timely, seasonal tune-up. These essential oils are made from the energy of newly budding green matter. Your intention is to heal yourself into springtime oils energy. You’re officially out of hibernation and other forms of self-imposed sleep. Choose pure oils like you choose juices for juicing […]
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- Essential Oils
- Tagged with : essential oils, eucalyptus, lavender, YLEO
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Today is World Water Day. Who Knew? I started drinking half –okay, almost half– my weight in water two days ago. Then, late yesterday I broke my new glass water bottle while rushing into the house and therefore didn’t drink my after 6pm portion. Excuses! Those of us who use essential oils should be drinking MUCH MORE WATER […]
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Pain-brain blues continue! In “The Smell of Pain,” an article published by the Naturopathic Doctor News and Review, Sarah A. LoBisco, ND, argues that chronic pain affects more people than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. Based on researched compiled by the American Academy of Pain Management, …50-75% of patients dying of cancer report pain, even […]
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This is Part 1 of Pain/Brain: How Odors Change Things. The perception of pain is picked up by the brain through smelling odors and aromas, or not. I came across John McGann, PhD, who studies the olfactory system in humans and mice, and is an associate professor of psychology and behavioral and systems neuroscience at […]
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- Essential Oils, Reiki, Stress, Pain
- Tagged with : aromatherapy, essential oils, holistic, stress
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Sage is a very old remedy for an assortment of physical ills, and is mentioned in ancient health writings, circa 200 C.E. There are two major types in use today, Salvia sclarea (clary sage) and Salvia officinalis. The latter is “regular” or garden sage for kitchen use. Both are of the mint family of plants. I drank sage tea to dry up […]
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- Essential Oils
- Tagged with : aromatherapy, essential oils, mental clarity, sage
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Note first the difference between BEWARE and Be Aware. Fear-mongering is for the fearful. When you are healthy in body-mind-spirt, and emotionally balanced (harmonious) as possible, fear and beware take up no room in your consciousness. It is those other times that we are talking about. When you feel a bit less healthy and more vulnerable and wary. […]
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- Articles & News, Essential Oils, Reiki, Stress, Pain, Tapping (EFT)
- Tagged with : essential oils, reiki, stress, tapping
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FAQ Do you have an oil for…?
- 15
- Feb

Folks, please try to stop asking this question. Essential oils are like foods, and each one, just like the plant it comes from, offers a range of benefits that your body may embrace or reject. Also like food, there are several oils that are great for the majority of people, even though people may experience different […]
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- Articles & News
- Tagged with : bay laurel, EODR, essential oils, herbs, juniper
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https://youtu.be/ukMcIpvNOxs Actually, there are many more reasons given in this video. However, to outline the top 10 reasons to maintain your above-the-line-health with Young Living Essential Oils, they are: The proprietary Seed to Seal™ manufacturing process of essential oils is controlled 100% by YLEO. There are over 500 products* to choose from. Products are created […]
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- Videos
- Tagged with : essential oils, holistic health, YLEO
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https://youtu.be/IdC10cGh8T4 In our group meeting tonight we reviewed the contents of the Feelings™ Kit from Young Living Essential Oils. In the video clip above, Sheryl Glenn, creator of the Bliss Box and Your Bliss Zone website, describes other oils she uses besides these six powerhouses. There are six oil blends in the kit, Valor […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Essential Oils, Videos
- Tagged with : chakras, essential oils, feelings kit, lavender
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