Using Ylang-Ylang to Heal Your Feelings and Heart Space — A Meditation and Guide Including 7 Reasons to Always Have Ylang-Ylang on Hand! Healing takes wanting to be whole, wanting to be loved, wanting to be at peace, in oneness, with oneself. This morning, traveling through several cities, I saw many women cleaning snow off their cars so […]
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You didn’t know dreams affect health? There are many examples of dreams in literature, religion and the news that demonstrate how dreams affect health of individuals. Of course, mental health is the primary showcase for this phenomenon. However, dreams are extremely important to all areas, since they disclose your parallel life to you. You spend one quarter […]
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Today is World Water Day. Who Knew? I started drinking half –okay, almost half– my weight in water two days ago. Then, late yesterday I broke my new glass water bottle while rushing into the house and therefore didn’t drink my after 6pm portion. Excuses! Those of us who use essential oils should be drinking MUCH MORE WATER […]
Continue readingTransformative Talk
- 23
- Feb

Sacred Communications, A Forty Day Journey Within is an ongoing workshop led by Rev. Henrietta Byrd of Chicago. The next one will begin on the first day of Lent, Wednesday, March 1, 2017, also known as Ash Wednesday. During Lent, which lasts from Ash Wednesday through Easter, Christians may fast or remove foods or habits from their lifestyle in […]
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NERVES As promised, today’s post will address the nervous system. Recap: In review of high school biology: CIRCULATION | This covers four areas: the heart, blood vessels, blood and lungs. RESPIRATORY | Broadly speaking, this covers breathing and the mouth, nose, throat, trachea/windpipe and bronchi, which delivers air into the lungs…. —– NERVOUS | This system controls the senses, […]
Continue readingState of the World
- 15
- Nov
Dear One Who Would Be Healthy, In this post-election environment, Newark, New Jersey, is the site of the State of The Black World Conference. I inquired as to whether there would be a healing room or some attention paid to people’s mental health condition at the conference, but my email was not answered. […]
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Address Mental Health Issues Before Addiction Takes Control Wash., D.C., October 2016. A National Health Service Corps report puts us on notice that attitudes, socioeconomic status, stigmas, education, and culturally-educated practitioners can positively affect mental health and addiction in the Black community. The need is great. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services […]
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