Tag Archives: children

3 Solutions to The Problem of Motherless Children

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One third of African American families are living impoverished lives, and many don’t show it. People of color are very good at hiding their imminent eviction or inability to find consistent work. No one wants to declare themselves poor. This is why saying one feels “whole and complete,” despite what’s in the bank account, is a revolutionary […]

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Did I Do?

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If the Stevie Wonder’s Do I Do video isn’t visible, please visit: https://youtu.be/c6f6BOKXXxg Kuumba Salutation to 2016 inspired by Do I Do Many people think 2016 was a bust. A terrible year. A year of too many deaths. A year the universe didn’t listen. Any of this could be true, and I’d like to offer […]

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State of the World

Dear One Who Would Be Healthy, In this post-election environment, Newark, New Jersey, is the site of the State of The Black World Conference. I inquired as to whether  there would be a healing room or some attention paid to people’s mental health condition at the conference, but my email was not answered.     […]

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