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Everything is Good for You Poem

Everything is spiritually good for you

Whether it hurts / Makes you sad

Whether you believe that lesson was learnt

And life shows it was not.


How do you step into being a new you

A better version of yourself who

Makes no mistakes?

Sorry sweetheart, that’s not going to happen.


Every experience is an encounter with a knowing you

The one who knows after and not before

Because you didn’t listen

Take the time/Or mind the opportunity.


That is, listen to your first “Mine”

Take time to respond, answer and react

And mind the gold of the moment

To get the message once and for all.


So, if you are embarking on this journey

Called Love and Know Thyself

First take a whole day to yourself

To think about it.


What it would look like

And how you feel about the now /And the possibility.

Everything is spiritually good for you

Whether you like it, love it, feel it or not.


–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

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