Tag Archives: Mikao Usui


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Chakras exists within the Reiki system of energy healing I use. I found a beautiful description written by Cheryl Fenner Brown and Sharon Olson:  “The chakra system is an alternative anatomy aligned along the spine from the pelvis floor to the crown of the head. These spinning wheels are invisible energetic crossroads of the body, […]

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Reiki Counselor: Shaman, Medium or Neither?

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Excerpt from a new book for Reiki Counselors (Unify and Serve Chapter) to be published soon. There are uncountable versions of Reiki now practiced throughout the world. They have in common the centralization of energy and conveyance of energy to the receiver in need. Anyone who is a witness to the simple power of hand-healing of Reiki, witnesses […]

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Reiki for Believers

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Maybe you feel called to REIKI and the act of healing with your hands, but co-religionists at your church, mosque or temple reject the subject and the laying on of hands. This makes you feel doubtful, unsure, worried and other emotions that have no permanent place in the mentality of a human BEING. For people who […]

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