On a toe that may have a bone fracture, I’m using helichrysum and myrrh essential oils. I’ve also used splints, ice, and wintergreen essential oil, in addition to putting my feet up above my heart as much as possible. I had starting inverting myself into an L-shape during Covid lockdown and not a moment too […]
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It’s TIME! Fight your justified fears with the energy of undiluted oils manufactured FOR THE PURPOSE OF HEALING. James Niederland, a fearless leader of my Young Living EO team, explains that essential oils give us restorative, healthy energy, which all humans need right now. This is because: Essential oils are natural – These precious oils are […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Articles & News, Essential Oils
- Tagged with : amygdala, anger, citrus, emotions, essential oils, fear, frankincense, olfactory, trauma, ubuntu, Young Living Essential Oils
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You CAN defeat loneliness and align with Oneness that answers the deepest questions about your life. I call this state oneness, and to want a feeling of oneness with All That Is is natural and universal for human beings. Being inside of it, with it or within this feeling of oneness feels like an alignment […]
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I love identifying HealMobiles, that is, new healing mobile units, spreading throughout the communities. Here’s the newest I’ve seen: The number of health-care screening busses and vans going out to communities has only increased in recent years. From their GoFundMe website, here’s what the Sistas Van is about: SISTAS VAN PHILOSOPHY & RADICAL CARE STATEMENT […]
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Using oils to reinforce how you believe in yourself is known, especially in Europe. There, essential oils are employed by medical and psychiatric doctors as well as certified aromatherapists to increase self-confidence and positive mental states as well as build the immune system. Essential oils are also used worldwide to decrease the symptoms and causes […]
Continue readingLOVE Doing Good
- 07
- Dec

I love doing many things, and doing good things has me feeling fantastic. Each thing I do gives me a different level of joy: taking long baths with attars, essential oils and bubbles writing and interpreting my dreams creating books from writing to publishing healing myself with energy facilitating others’ healing occupying divinity or oneness […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Essential Oils, Reiki, Stress, Pain, Women
- Tagged with : AFT, aromatherapy, EFT, energy, essential oils, Fannie Lou Hamer, focus, free your feelings, Kwame Turé, Miriam Makeba, Neely Fuller, Princess Diana, Quincy Jones, reiki, Rev. Barbara Dominick, Wayne Dyer, women
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It caught my eye — a brochure about the “ancient gift” of frankincense (oil and tree) being supported by modern science. This got me to thinking…. Did you know YOU are an ancient gift, and that YOU are supported by modern science? Not only that, the ancient scientists, allies on this plane, and advocates on other planes […]
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My lifework is to help professionals who feel drained or are at a crossroads in their life to be real with themselves and their relationships. I love to see clients take flight from the power that unifying with their truth gives them. I offer Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) & Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) services at: The […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Essential Oils, Reiki, Stress, Pain, Tapping (EFT)
- Tagged with : aroma freedom technique, Breast Imaging, driving, EFT, energy, essential oils, Flowers Healing Arts, flowersmd.com, focus, healmobile, holistic health, mental clarity, reiki, self-healing, Spectron IR, stress, tapping
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The 30-day fasting month of Ramadan — from which I am now wiser — means no eating, drinking or sex during the daylight hours, or else the fast is nullified. Due to travel, I was able to fast almost all the days this year and will fast or feed folks in coming weeks to replace the […]
Continue readingFree Your Feelings with AFT
- 14
- May

UPDATE: I offer Free Your Feelings™ as a wellness service that includes AFT. See this page for how to get started, or book an appointment here. New offers and specials are on my Facebook page. Maybe you’ve heard — when you free your feelings in Traditional Chinese Medicine, you free up illness and dis-ease that […]
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