Spiritual Counseling: To Heal What’s Hard To Look At
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- Oct

If you are seeking spiritual counseling, you have come to the right place. This short talk I was blessed to have with Business Talk Radio is an overview of the HealMobile. It gives you a sense of who I am as you decide if you’d like to work with me. Here’s the transcript of that talk:
BTR: Please give a description of your company and the products/services you offer:
THE HEALMOBILE offers and spiritual counseling and mentoring services in addition to hands-on energy training and service. I want energy healing to be a household word, the way yoga and meditation are today.
I love painting the picture of possibilities for people, especially when they find themselves at a crossroads in life (heartbreak, job loss, sudden responsibilities or change). I’m here to remind them they have natural energy, their own creativity and spiritual resources to triumph and excel.
My latest book is a manual for my Energy Healing 101 training. It’s called Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism. It’s for all readers of all backgrounds, and is available on Amazon and this page.

BTR: Tell us about your background of your business and yourself.
I’m originally a magazine journalist and retired from being a college fundraiser; taught college and high school part time. My bachelor’s degrees are in art and communications and my master’s of science is in urban planning. I’m a certified spiritual aromatherapist, coach, and breathologist. I’m licensed to teach holistic health in New York City. I am also an ordained holistic minister practitioner with a health directive.
BTR: What inspired you to pursue your profession?
I was inspired when I learned Reiki, which in Japanese translates to universal or life force spirituality or healing. I was initiated or attuned to Reiki in my “second half,” before I retired from my job. I got such renewed energy I just had to find out how I was to fit into this wonderful world of the connectedness and value of all things. Spiritual counseling brings it all together.
We Had to Shift To Meet The Demand for Spiritual Counseling
BTR: How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your business?
I shifted almost all of the one-on-one sessions to online. This includes teaching energy healing and doing and spiritual counseling through Zoom or Skype. Also, a new Scribing Your Life service I’m working on will take energy healers, empaths and newly “woke” folks into rebranding themselves through the lens of energy. I’m excited about that.
BTR: Where do you see yourself in the near future?
I see myself traveling and speaking to groups about the Energy and Imperative of Oneness and how it requires a shift from the profit motive. I also see myself speaking with people about how to identify and use their energy. If your listeners want to receive a quiz to determine their own Energy Healing SuperPower, they can send me an email.
My videos on YouTube are another way to learn more about the SuperPowers and The HealMobile. And of course, taking the main course I offer, “Reiki 1&2 / Energy Healing 101” — is the best way to get grounded in your personal energy and self-healing power.