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New Grand Baby

Amelia Clare and her baba TouréSHE is here!  Amelia Clare arrived at  747am (of course). She is the daughter of my son Touré Muid and his love, Chandra White. Amelia is 7lbs 12 oz. and 24 inches long.

         She has two dimples so she must have smiled immediately.

Minah Brian and me          Her cousin Brian (8yo, pictured) insists she looks just like him and was not disgusted by the hanging umbilical cord. To me she looks just like his mom (new Auntie Minah, in pic, left) when she was born. She did smile immediately (ok, the first or second day) and still sports two dimples. One is visible, see?  ;-D

       Amelia is smiling with her daddy too!

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