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African Holistic Health Chapter

pic of AHH logoDid you know the HealMobile is a member of the African Holistic Health Chapter of New York?

There are all kinds of practitioners from acupuncturists to oilers to vegan chefs as well as spiritual teachers from Ancient African/Kmet to Muslim to Yoruba and more.

The Chapter is also a great source for knowledgeable people to lead personal ceremonies as well as emcee African American holiday celebrations.

They do great newsletters twice monthly, but you have to get on their list. They even have their own app that identifies certified holistic health practitioners throughout the New York/Tri-State area.

Of course, I recommend the Chapter highly because their referral network is strong, and they help social agencies, houses of worship and businesses conduct health fairs featuring us practitioners! How unifying and edifying is that? If you are a healer and not a member yet, come on and join us.

If you are looking for a practitioner, give the Chapter some love — download OUR app and enjoy OUR newsletter as you pick and choose who you want to come see first.

Make time to ask questions or chat with me about your needs.

Click the first blue button on the right or hit me up/IM me on Facebook–Niamo Nancy Muid, or Facebook.com/healmobile.

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