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There is an important relationships between the friends we have and keep, and the slave/master syndrome afflicting the world and especially the U.S. today.

The aim of the webinar above — it’s really a workshop — is to use our holistic armament to totally transform the old paradigm.

We’ve been comfortable long enough and now things are, shall we say, ICKY? No, we shall call the spade a spade and say HORRIFIC.

Besides dying at much too high a rate, we are protesting, meditating, and praying. And we can do even more.

Friends and essential oils to the foreground. We’ve got to start close to home.

I just completed a free, online clearing with Dr. Benjamin Perkus, author of The Aroma Freedom Technique: Using Essential Oils to Transform Your Emotions and Realize Your Heart’s Desire.

When he announced “friends” as the theme for the evening, I thought it had nothing to do with my emotions or task at hand of creating the box above (for people who want to help fight the worst aspects of the U.S. slave past).

I actually went down a judgmental trail, What? That’s namby-pamby! Friends!?  It was a fleeting thought, but I admit I thought it.

Dutiful student that I am, I went through the process led by Dr. Perkus. The results were amazing. I got clear about why I have the kinds of friends I have and why I feel a certain way about associates I wish were my friends or who shun me and are not my friends. I understand much better what I need and can give as a friend. Whew!

Do you pay close enough attention to friends or would-be friends? Do you give thought to the nature of friendship and how your life could be greatly enhanced if you considered improving your relationship with friends?

I know that without my very good friends, whom I pray ALL remain BFFs, I would not be where I am today. I would not be doing the healing and social change work I’m engaged in.

You all know who you are, and I’m blessed that you’re too numerous to name for fear of leaving someone out. Thank You. I am grateful. I appreciate you forever. With love for the arc you are in my rainbow, I bow down in recognition of your gift of being my friend.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid


Now on to figuring out how to get that box onto a permanent position on my website! Meanwhile, it is LIVE!

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