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Transformative Talk

pic of Henrietta Byrd

Rev. Henrietta Byrd, Chicago

Sacred Communications, A Forty Day Journey Within is an ongoing workshop led by Rev. Henrietta Byrd of Chicago. The next one will begin on the first day of Lent,  Wednesday, March 1, 2017, also known as Ash Wednesday.

During Lent, which lasts from Ash Wednesday through Easter, Christians may fast or remove foods or habits from their lifestyle in honor of the ministry and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Lent is geared towards spiritual purification, meditation and penance. Its 40 days do not typically include Sundays, although the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert (before his ministry) of course would have been straight through and include Sundays.

In honor of this season, I recall giving up red meat in my teen years or candy in my grade school years. Today I observe from afar, since my spiritual observances are now quranic.

That quranic guidance says to heed the powerful message of Jesus (Iyesus Kristos–Amharic or Isa ibn Maryam–Arabic). The message is to worship/serve only God.

I love that people decide to withdraw into themselves during Lent, since nothing but self-growth and mental clarity can come from it. The body-mind-spirit needs a rest.


All this to say my dear friend Rev. Henrietta is leading the 40-day mental health journey to help people cleanse their subconscious. In this context, L.E.N.T. stands for Let’s Eliminate Negative Thinking.

During the 40 days she’ll do 15-minute phone calls and four in-person sessions that she describes as “Investigating Your beliefs for Your Individual Transformation.”

Rev. Henrietta is a pastor in the Unity congregation started by well-known Unity minister Rev. Johnnie Coleman.

If you are interested in participating, register by visiting the Transformative Talk website and clicking the registration link below the section labelled Subconscious Mind Cleanse.

The site is beta at the moment, so leave your contact information and be patient. Rev. Henrietta will definitely get back to you.

For the next 40 days, then, why don’t you commit? Let’s Eliminate Negative Thinking!

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

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