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1.  On this day of my mother’s transition to the nonphysical two years ago, I wish for every reader a loving and compassionate regard for your mother, parents, guardians and family.

2. On this day I acknowledge the journey back to Beaming Light of Malcolm Shabazz (X) (d. 2/21/1965), and the journey into Beaming Light of W.E.B. DuBois (b. 2/23/1868). I wish for every people the kind of leadership that speaks to and expands the potency of  mind, soul and spiritual healing/responsibility.

3.  On this day of passing suffering, I wish for those in dire need, an ear to hear and a willing hand of help from their allies, that they may appear now.

4.  On this day of celestial influences, whatever they are, I wish each person experiencing doubt replace this feeling. Instead, use effort to recognize and use the tool of breath, which means doubt can be exhaled.

5. On this day of knowledge through the Internet, I wish every seeker the health, wealth and breakthroughs. You deserve to enjoy grace, and more satisfying levels of accomplishment and contentment.


These wishes are equal to one intention — that you know you are successful because you have faculties that allow you to read this.

I BEG you to begin to be thankful for the smallest things in your life, because the transformation of your world will be jumpstarted with Thanks.

My intention is that you are successful in all of your endeavors. Further, I intend that your wishes confirm a new level of certainty, based on the evidence of your living spirt.

— Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

Image is courtesy LiesYoungWomenBelieve.com

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