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Through Mobile Units, the HealMobile Concept Spreads

I love identifying HealMobiles, that is, new healing mobile units, spreading throughout the communities. Here’s the newest I’ve seen:

The Sisas Van is a project of BlackWomensBlueprint.org

The number of health-care screening busses and vans going out to communities has only increased in recent years. From their GoFundMe website, here’s what the Sistas Van is about:


“In response to the narratives and recommendations made by community survivors and their loved ones at the Black Women’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Black Women’s Blueprint” is committed to a “radical care and healing philosophy.” Thus, Sistas Van provides “a safe passageway that promotes sexual rights, sexual health, bodily autonomy, and reproductive dignity.”

“Sistas Van is designed, and uniquely positioned within communities to meet women, girls, gender fluid and gender non-conforming people and survivors where they are at.

“Holistic care is confidential, safe, accessible, and trauma-informed.

“Sistas Van addresses the gaps in care and services … [and] offer a positive integrated approach to the relentless sexual, reproductive and mental health concerns and issues women face across identities.

Sista Van Mobile Units Must Be Stocked

“We provide wrap-around services and connections to partner services. 

“We foreground each survivor’s right to access services and support in their community, and to deploy their capacity for leadership. 


“We are requesting donations to purchase essential supplies and materials that will be used to service communities of survivors in need. With your donation we can purchase and develop the following for Sistas Van:

-10,000 fortifying care kits​ (mirrors, male/female condoms, contraceptives, pregnancy tests, hygiene items, blood pressure readers, sanitary products,)
-12,000 Abundant healthy meal kits 
-8,000 Food Vouchers
-5,000 Metrocards 
-Enhance the accessibility into Sistas Van by adding an additional railing
-Purchase of furnishings, curtains, monitors, assessment gear, cushioning, plastic protection, sterilized exam items and lighting 
-A Security and Camera System
-Mini Fridge and Sterile Sink Installation
-Mobile Healing Clinic Hotline Service
-5,000 Healing First Aid Kits (sage, palo santo, crystals, camphor, essential oils,etc.)
-500 Audio/Visual Toolkits on Sexual and Reproductive Access and Education
-500 Media Toolkits with Sexual and Reproductive Health Information, Prevention Education, and Crisis Intervention Resources
-1000 Case management, referrals, and other care coordination information pamphlets  
-A paid staffing model to provide consistent care
-Creation of the Sistas Van mobile app with service listings and location tracking.”

Create A Healing Mobile Unit

Note that the list identifies essential oils as well as important herbs and crystals. I appreciate this holistic approach.

However, the effort to serve only one gender as a survivor is not holistic and could be seen as divisive. I envision a men’s van project could step into the vacuum. Together these initiatives should heal the entire community base. If you agree or align, maybe our mutual intentional energies can jumpstart change.

So, let’s start moving in the direction of healing the men by going out to them with Brothas Vans or HealMobiles. Especially because men are notorious for not going to doctors.

Bringing life-critical healthcare directly to people is a proven disease prevention method. That it is inclusive of social and sexual health concerns is even better.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy

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