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The Gift of Your Privacy

The fact is, being on the Internet is a very public, exposed terrain. Your contact information is available for all to see, and many of you use pseudonyms to hide your identity and offer a layer of protection. There is nothing wrong with this.

I have updated and reinstated the HealMobile Privacy Policy and it is explained here. The major change is the information on this site is for adults ages 18 and over. The target group is Baby Boomers –those born after World War II– and thought leaders.

I offer people on the cutting edge of conscious awareness, whose senses have not been dulled by media and entertainment promos, a chance to be supported in achieving their lifelong dreams of good health, purpose and an abundant lifestyle.

When you request any of the free downloads or ebooks on this site, you are added to my database as a matter of course. You may reach out to me at any time to be removed from my mailing list.

Your interest in holistic health and your activity on my site is also tracked by various Internet services including Google Ad Words and the like. I do not control how your behavior on this site affects the kinds of ads you will see on your own site; or email messages you may receive from entities with far more techno-savvy than I have.

That said, please know your identity is safe with me to the extent I can be of service to you in our work together. Please read the updated About page for more.

As you may know, my main services are Aroma Freedom Technique using pure essential oils, Emotional Freedom Technique or tapping, Reiki sessions and instruction, and coaching/spiritual counseling.


–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

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