From my mouth to God’s ears, as the saying goes. For this second day of Kwanzaa, I greet you with Habari Gani, Kujichagulia! Self-determination is what kuji-cha-gu-lia means, and for The Healmobile, this is a big one. I am not sure why the word “self” is placed in front of determined, but I am determined to be Best & Excellent […]
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- Articles & News, Essential Oils, Kwanzaa
- Tagged with : African wisdom, aroma freedom technique, kwanzaa, sankofa
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Our Monday night meeting with members of The HealMobile Team yielded incredible, great stuff that is already pushing each of us forward. At the prodding of the group and as an expression of the sankofa principle, I went back to my original thought about the HealMobile–that we’re in motion–we might as well be healthy and […]
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