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LOVE Doing Good

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I love doing many things, and doing good things has me feeling fantastic. Each thing I do gives me a different level of joy:

  1. taking long baths with attars, essential oils and bubbles
  2. writing and interpreting my dreams
  3. creating books from writing to publishing
  4. healing myself with energy
  5. facilitating others’ healing
  6. occupying divinity or oneness
  7. supporting creative people
  8. communing with elements at the beach or in sunlight/moonlight
  9. working with groups on behalf of groups
  10. engaging with my grandchildren

The list is longer than this but I thought I’d better stop. I also love Tapping (EFT) and Aromatherapy (AFT) and these two align with my Reiki work with self and clients. (Jump below for my inspiration for the quote above.)

No matter when form it takes, when I’m doing good, as Rev. Barbara Dominick said on a beautiful audio recently,  I relax into who I really AM.

If you notice, my list of personal and service acts of love are intermingled, because I view them as one and the same. I consider each of us as a prism of all aspects or facets of ourselves. We are allowed to sometimes glimpse our essence when we give a turn to the great kaleidoscope that is life.

DOING GOOD in the world

Doing good is a “turn” of the “scope” A lot of teachers inspire us to give to people who are less fortunate, for the good of our souls. Indeed, the less fortunate is not a faraway person or group in our community.

The less fortunate is the MINI-ME MINDSET or “little me,” which usually needs more than normal nurturing and validation. Consequently, many strive to do good because they want to resolve feelings of rejection, loss, grief, sadness, unworthiness and other forms of negation.

Good works are beneficial and “working” a good attitude is even better. It is incumbent upon those of us who have shelter, clothing and food to be aware of the impact of our participation in life. You are “larger than life.”

It is a social necessity for you to be aware or conscious of how your words/actions influence others.

In fact, a sign of maturity is the willingness to forego looking good for doing good and being good. This will be different for everybody. When you are consciously aware of how speech/deeds affect coworkers, family, friends and children and generations to come, this helps to lift everyone up.

In this sense we do want to “go higher.” This is the purpose of doing good.

Great Quotes: Doing Good for OneSelf

Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.  –Wayne Dyer

Lead yourself. Become a quality person yourself. Become a universal man or a universal woman. Heaven has already sent someone — they sent you! –Neely Fuller

There are three things I was born with in this world, and three things I will have until the day I die — Hope, Determination, and Song. –Miriam Makeba

There is a higher law than the law of government. That’s the law of conscience. –Kwame Turé (Stokley Carmichael)

Only do what your heart tells you.  –Princess Diana

The job of the conscious is to make the unconscious conscious. — Kwame Turé

I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. –Fannie Lou Hamer

Whether you have a PhD or no D, we’re in this bag together. And whether you’re from Morehouse or Nohouse, we’re still in this bag together.  –Fannie Lou Hamer

Not one ounce of my self-worth depends on your acceptance of me. –Quincy Jones

I am your servant. I accept where I am but am actively, always looking forward to possibilities and opportunities…to be better inside…I see each circumstance as a stage…To watch my movements and actions and reactions…To discriminate between the thoughts that serve me and the ones that keep me the same and no longer evolve my humility. I’m in love with the stillness that lives underneath everything. It is love. It is compassion. I look for it. I breathe easy. All is as it should be. So be it….          –Erykah Badu

Respectful Communication is a Goal

I communicate respectfully with all men and with the male aspect of all women came out of a Free Your Feelings™ session with a client.  This woman expressed a desire to avoid self-pity due to feeling ignored at school and work, and abandoned by a parent.

Our work together uncovered a pattern of failed romantic relationships. She realized what her partners had been saying about her was true. After coming up with an affirmation above, she felt so free she immediately began promoting herself (male energy) through social media.

The usual fear was absent. Our work together had finally resolved the male-female aspects of herself in a way that felt harmonious, loving and unifying.

Yes okay, this client is me. It’s important to note that doing good works helped me contribute to life while I worked through aspects of my being hiding in the shadows.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid





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