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Kinds of HealMobiles

IMG-20110813-00013For earlier iterations of this website, I uploaded pictures of RVs used as health stations for teenage drug and sex education, hospital preventive health promotion and the like.

Although I don’t have a picture of their vehicle, I know there is a company in Florida that uses the name Heal Mobile for its ambulatory animal career business.

Years ago I trademarked the name and found that fees and tracking were “beyond my pay grade.”  I officially reserved the name HealMobile for everything under the sun, from games to food carts to apps. At least the record is there!

shout-rv-healmobileToday, having visited the movie (Dr. Strange) last night with family and drooled at the Tesla store in the mall, I’m once again thinking about the HealMobile vehicle. I even updated the About page on it.

healmobile2014-food-truckYes, it was one of my dreams to see an RV with HealMobile emblazoned across it — and many of them around the country– signifying a sea change in holistic health service delivery to communities that would LOVE it. Notice I didn’t say need it.

The HealMobile is about going where it is called to, not promoting itself in such a way people feel burdened.

There are holistic health educators, sacred women, African medicine women, health warriors, sensei and others out there who were taught by cutting-edge naturopaths and are of and for the people rather than mostly for the money.

Some of us are able to use the Internet to let you know we are here. Others among us do not use the Internet at all.

Either way, this servant does the Work and does referrals. Do let me know if you need a HealMobile holistic drive-by or some other kind of service one of my colleagues may render.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

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