Home » Poetry » Hoarding Old Stuff Poem

Hoarding Old Stuff Poem

i have a feeling, and dream of life unfilled with stuff

here’s what you can do to relieve pressure –but i bluff.


remove the waste in the refrigerator

remove the waste in the incinerator –of your body.


everyone wants to reduce the carbon footprint

everyone has learned from news media –and some schtick.


never mind a buildup of cardboard & paper in the halls

never mind a buildup of slimey foodstuffs on vascular walls.


when i feel stuck in a dream of nightmare food

the kind that mushes you with lust and freezes the good


i clean the house by dusting, lemon wipes, and scenting air

i clean the body with the mind –it’s all i’ve got, there is no spare.


Sonnet Saturday copyright (c) 2016  Niamo Nancy Muid


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