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Hands Down Jumpstart to Change Life Direction

Hands down, the Ayers Rock when you say NO

Be immovable like Uluru, the Ayers Rock in Australia, when you say NO

Let me share the #1, hands down, indisputable way to change your life’s direction, and to jumpstart THE NEW for yourself. Yes, for a shift in fortune, this hands down, most insightful article teaches success-seekers to say NO to very specific things —

  1. holding onto the past
  2. toxic relationship
  3. unhealthy habits
  4. hating business or job
  5. situations that made him angry
  6. other people’s baggage

The author’s list started with number 6, other people’s baggage. Like me, he classified himself as a “people pleaser.” It’s all too easy to understand where another person is coming from and to go into the depths with them.

Going into “THE DEPTHS” is NOT GOOD for healer-helpers. 

AND, I’ve decided his list is really ONE ITEM, which I’ll get to in a moment.

Pleasing others is a fact of life. If you are in a social work/social service, healing, helping, childcare, elder-care or similar line of work, DO NOT GO INTO THE DEPTHS. Not only will you burn yourself out, you will also let down your guard and be susceptible to illness and dis-ease.

I am experiencing this right now, with a rash on my arms. In reading scripture during this period, I turned to Job in the Bible AND the Quran. I was not looking for these chapters, I just opened these books and I see the readings as the Creator talking to me.

Anyway, Job was afflicted constantly with everything imaginable. Eventually, I got tired of reading all the bad things that happened to him and didn’t even complete the book of Job. The Quran had a short verse in The Prophets section that said Job kept turning to his Creator despite his problems. Then, finally, all the madness stopped and he was restored to blessedness. Mind you, this reading occurred BEFORE my rash even got really bad; I thought they were mosquito bites.

I can say I’m glad I don’t live in Florida or Texas or my ordeal would probably have been worse from Hurricanes Irma and Harvey. Yet it’s been a tough time for me, emotional and spiritually. It began before and continued after the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. I suppose this was just my time for transformation (and mercury retrograde? Oooh, scary!).


All it means is that humanity –in the person of yours truly– had to go more deeply within. As the external and the material world kept showing the ugliest and most unruly parts of themselves, what with the hurricanes, tornados and my horrific, now-healing rash, I was indeed suffering.

Glad it did not last long. In looking at the situation, I have reduced the six items above to exactly one thing I had to do.  Here is the One Thing I Should Have Said No To. It’s what I should have repeated to myself over and over, hands down:

STOP making PEOPLE your guiding, Divine Light.


THEY ARE EMANATIONS of Light, just like you and me. I should have said to myself: Say NO to the impulse to “worship the ground they walk on.” Do not serve them and their lives. Men-women-children-elders. Eer’body!

Do you purposely want to take steps backwards in life? You’ll have to catch up to where you left off. Higher Self hindsight is 20-20! For women serving significant others, or in my case, working with female tenants as a landlord, it felt tough to heed the soft tones of guidance and say NO.

What a revelation for me. I was being my usual self– “nice.” Meanwhile, a friend told me “nice” is a covering for RAGE. There it is, bubbling under the surface, unnoticeable. I was being my usual self, not listening to life but to people. As a result, I got trampled and stomped over. In my view, my skin broke out in protest!

The bank teller said, Oh I see your rash; that’s from grass. I’m allergic too. Yes, I had been pulling weeds and cleaning up around the property. But this allergic-reaction vengeance was extreme! (I was letting my arms air out by the third day.*) 

Please notice the ways you are too “nice,” and can’t say No when you must. Notice how your body feels. It will talk to you like a nagging grandma.

For myself, I came away with a profound sense of my real self from this experience. Now I feel closer to God My Creator Who Knows Me Best. Mercifully, I have learned my lesson.

To sum up, there are things I like about being blessed with property, and things I do not like. Land-lording is one of them.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

*To soothe and speed healing of the rash, I used Purification™ blend, tea tree, and Animal Scents T-Away™ from Young Living Essential Oils, and alternated with frankincense and lavender oils. What I also needed was to calm waaay down. I did Reiki on myself, and listened to healing Solfeggio tones and music courtesy of YouTube videos.  After a few days, with vetiver and petitgrain oils, and Peace & Calming™ oil blend, I was able to finally SLEEP RESTFULLY. I also did environmental cleaning, spiritual cleansing rituals, and had a much needed colonic thanks to my sister Deanna Felix at Life Spring Rejuvenation Center.


Mention of essential oils, Reiki and healing Solfeggio music is for educational purposes only. None of the above is meant to diagnose, treat, prescribe, or cure allergic or emotional reactions to stressful situations. See your physician or health professional to assess any long-standing health condition.

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