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Balance Hormones Naturally, Queen

pic of QM Moore and Sonia SanchezQueen Mother Audley Moore with AA Poet Laureate Dr. Sonia Sanchez in the 1970s

pic of ashanti royalty from Natl Geographic

Ashanti royalty featured on the cover of National Geographic.

I AM NOT YOUR QUEEN. A woman on Facebook claimed she didn’t want to be called Queen because in the game of chess, the Queen does all the work while the King is protected and stands still.  Surely, game and sports analogies only go so far.

I realized queen-mother is what we really mean when, in the African Diaspora community, we call someone Queen. Although usually reserved for the mother of a King, queen-mother is appropriate for those who are not only royalty of the community, but have nurtured it in a recognizable way.

Queen Mothers Audley Moore, Dorothy Benton Lewis, and Mary Carter Smith come to mind. The first two ancestors fought for reparations, and the last, also an ancestor, is the founder of the National Association of Black Storytellers. Of course women of this status are all over traditional Africa, and the Queen Mother of England is still alive as of this writing. 

Juxtapose the queenly/queen-mother concept with entertainment and media images of women and the difference is glaring. Too many women cannot reflect royalty, because they cannot view themselves as worthy of utmost respect. 

Internally (and very likely spiritually), the differences are even more vast.

FEMALE HORMONES are often cited as the reason for these differences (men have the same ones just in different proportion). Women with balanced hormones act and react in a certain, even way, while women whose hormones are off-kilter act and react unpredictably and emotionally.

This is not to say women’s behavior should be predictable or unemotional. It is to point out that prolonged, unaddressed female UPSET is not good for relating to children, mate, extended family, coworkers and employees, or for strengthening friendships.

I can only share foods, herbs/supplements and pure oils that have worked for me over time:* celery, chamomile, maca (Peru’s superfood), ashwanghanda or Indian ginseng (India’s #1 tonic), moringa (Africa’s miracle tree), and the pure oils of evening primrose, clary sage, ylang ylang, neroli, and bergamot.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

I trust Dr. Dan Purser, whose collaboration with D. Gary Young has led to my favorite hormones product, Progessence Plus, that can be researched here.  Along with wild yam and vitamin E, it is formulated with frankincense, bergamot, and peppermint essential oils. It is for premenstrual as well as menopausal women and this is an extremely unlikely combination to find in one product.

This article explores Baby Boomer women’s issues generally and is a good starting point to become familiar with this prolific author and hormone therapy expert.

I also love Dr. Group’s lengthy video that discusses hormone disrupters as found in food, plastics, cleaning products, home products, the air, water and body organs–not much is left out.  Get your education here.

*Claim Note:

Information is provided for education only, and is a result of years of experience. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a long-standing health problem.

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