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3 Days Till Death Without Water

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Today is World Water Day. Who Knew? I started drinking half –okay, almost half– my weight in water two days ago. Then, late yesterday I broke my new glass water bottle while rushing into the house and therefore didn’t drink my after 6pm portion. Excuses!

Those of us who use essential oils should be drinking MUCH MORE WATER than we ever did before. Indeed, involvement in energy work of any kind, from making art to martial arts, is a call for 10x hydrating your system.

To maintain above-the-line health we absolutely must pay more attention to water intake.

The following is a lightly edited article by Beverly Blaine, for her SlayGirlSociety, a mental health blog. I’m thankful for the ability to share it.

World Water Day

“The importance of water cannot be denied. There has been tons of research of the impacts of water on our physical health and its benefits. But what it boils down to is that  we need literally need it to live. (We will die after three days without water).

“Today is World Water Day, a day held each [year] meant to raise awareness of the need to tackle the global water crisis. Did you know that 1.8 billion people currently use a source of drinking water contaminated with faeces, putting them at risk of contracting cholera, dysentery, typhoid and polio? Also, 663 million people still lack improved drinking water sources, especially in developing countries.

“This year for World Water Day, the UN is educating people about the opportunities for using wastewater as a resource. You can read [about] it here.

“I was thinking about what I could do on my part to contribute to World Water Day. For one, I need to be thinking about the issue more than just one day a year. But today is a great opportunity to start a conversation…  So I thought – why not write a blog post on water and its relationship to mental health? People worldwide suffer from a myriad of mental health issues and water is just another resource to help tackle them.

Impacts on Health

“So what are the impacts of water on mental health? Well for one, drinking water has a big influence on our physical health, affecting everything from our kidneys to our muscles. Our mind/body connection is so strong, that when we are physically healthy, our mental health is improved.

“As well, even mild dehydration has been shown to negatively impact our mood, drain our energy and shrink our brain tissue, causing us to lose focus. It can also impact our short-term and long-term memory.

“Dehydration also causes headaches and sleep issues, which can significantly impact our mood during waking hours. Dehydration can impair our cognitive function so severely that it can even lead to delirium.

“Besides the effects of drinking water, being in or near water also has an impact on our mental health. Researchers have shown that warm baths and showers can make people feel less lonely. The sounds of water flowing are soothing and can have therapeutic effects, while the act of swimming has been shown to reduce depression.

“And although I do have a friend who doesn’t like the taste of water, most people can’t argue the incredible feeling of a nice cold glass of water at the end of a long day.

“So how can we take action to ensure that people have easy access to clean drinking water? There are many ways. If you are financially able, you can make a donation to a non-profit like charity:water.

You can also raise awareness with your friends and family by sharing stories online and discussing it in person. You can also volunteer your time, resources or skills to the cause. Here is a list that was compiled of a bunch of charities who are dedicated to providing clean drinking water.”

Notice Flint Michigan was not mentioned one time! There are too many cities across the U.S. that have dirty, undrinkable water, so we know this isn’t a “third” world issue. It is geo-political and there is privatization going on, further distancing nature’s gift for sustenance from humanity.

When I worked for the National Council of Negro Women back in the Seventies, I was most honored and felt validated that their major African projects concerned digging wells to facilitate the provision of running water to remote villages.

We don’t have that option in the Flints of the U.S. But I won’t rule out digging wells in areas more remote from cities. Some relatives have a well on their upstate New York property. What would it mean to have access to your own water? It’s another subject for another time.

Anyway, please drink more water and look into ways you can help others do the same. A lot of folks are promoting Kangan Water. The house I’m in right now has a whole-house water filter that removes the worst chemicals like lead and chlorine.

Many videos on YouTube analyze the differences in store-bought water. (I couldn’t find the one I wanted to share for this piece.) If not buying water to drink or cook with, people are buying filters and boiling or chilling their water first. Prayers should be said over all and any methods, I’d say. Nothing beats the Source.

Take an action today on World Water Day. Share your thoughts — I’d love to hear from you.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

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