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8 Keys to Leading A Network

Leading can be defined as: Intentionally influencing and enabling people to accomplish a given task.

A network (in business0 can be defined as: A model in which a team of individuals are linked together and get paid to use, promote and market a product or products.

The following eight (8) keys to leading a network are holistic in that they affect every aspect of a person’s personal and business success. When mastered, they ensure that a home-based business can become a legacy for the next generation.

  1. trust

  2. vision

  3. competence

  4. consistency

  5. availability

  6. caring

  7. responsiveness

  8. being duplicable (a model)

A wonderful free guide is available to help you hone leader skills. The guide distinguishes between leadership and leader development, in that the former talks about it and the latter IS about it.

Leader development is a phase of group support The HealMobile aspires to. Several leaders on the HealMobile Team, such as Shakira Abdul-Ali, are educated and professional leader-development trainers.

As we build the essential oils and women’s products network, it is imperative that we make time to affirm and grow our leader capacity.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

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