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5 Signs–What Mentally Strong People Are Like

PV pic of chakras from book
Body areas of strength (chakras/aritu) to focus on, taken from the book Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism

Here’s a great article that confirms some basics about what strong people act like. Building healthy immunity refers to the ability of the body-mind to remain strong in the face of bacterial, viral and other assaults. Those who are weak are not up to the fight.

As I’ve written in many posts and pages, one’s strength can improve when supported with superfoods, pure oils and energy practices. There are myriad ways to stay strong and much of it starts with mental attitude and mindset. Of course, if it is your time to return to Oneness, nothing stops the clock.

Here is the article

(I’ve added a few [notes] to share favorite oils and approaches):

“For so much of my life I thought “strength” was a monolith that housed multiple personality traits under one roof. Assertiveness. Independence. Tenacity. All fantastic traits independently, but together, forming a master quality called *strength.*

“I was wrong. Strength is of a different constitution altogether.

“I realized this when I started taking inventory of all the strong people in my life. My 60 year old, sweet and playful mom. My reserved and stoic grandfather. My down-to-earth, yet professional director. There are so many people in my life who I have the privilege of calling strong who share zero personality traits with each other. I mean zero. How could they each be labeled *strong* if they are so categorically different?

“This led to a discovery. Strength isn’t a personality trait; it’s a frame of mind. It’s a way of seeing yourself and others. It’s an action but also a place. A home that one both inhabits and brings with them wherever they go. [Magnify Your Purpose essential oil blend]

“Strength is challenging to quantify directly, but we know it when we see it. Here are five of the primary signs of strong people.

1. [The Strong] have successful friends.

“This is different than name dropping and “collecting” successful people. It means those in their inner circle, their tribe, are successful. I don’t necessarily mean famous. I mean good at what they do. Whether in career or relationships or something else. You see this concept everywhere in the personal growth community. Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and other self-help titans tout the value of masterminds — of intentionally surrounding oneself with successful people on a regular basis to take your life to the next level. The old adage is true: iron does sharpen iron.

“A mentally weak person cannot have successful friends because it makes them insecure. Weak people must always be the *best* in the posse to gratify their own ego. A mentally strong person holds court with the successful because they are secure in their identity and know this is the only way to grow. If you’re dealing with someone who is surrounded by successful individuals, chances are they are mentally strong. [Gathering essential oil blend]

2. They are okay with being misunderstood.

“Life is an arena, and most people are spectators. I can’t claim this concept as an original thought. I borrow this metaphor from Theodore Roosevelt:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again…” — April 23, 1910, Citizenship in a Republic

Strong people: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How!

“While most people are spectators, there are a rare few who are gladiators. Who step out into the arena. Who put their thoughts out there. Who go after what they want. Who are willing to get ‘marred by dust and sweat and blood’ as Roosevelt says. These are people who start their own company, who write for a living, who public speak, who act/perform or participate in the arts. Such people expose themselves to the scrutiny of others, to the spectators in the arena. Roosevelt’s quote itself links arena-living to strength when it says “how the strong man stumbles.

[Imitate Muhammad Ali, with fists raised and proclaiming to the world I am the greatest. Like him, you are talking about “How Great Is The One Who Supports Everything I Do and I Am.” His power pose is a lot like an engagement centering technique I highly recommend to clients.]

“Willingness to be misunderstood precedes the strong man’s stumbling. Spectators draw their own conclusions about the gladiators, and oftentimes they are wrong. Completely wrong. A weak gladiator will leave the floor and join the spectators in the stands after being misunderstood, maligned, and massacred. A mentally strong person will stay. They are okay with being misunderstood — and everything that comes with it — because they know that it’s part and parcel with success. Greatness is always a few steps after a chorus of who do you think you are?

3. They embrace vulnerability.

“We all have insecurities, doubts, anxieties. A mentally weak person — when confronted with such disappointments — will not lean into vulnerability. Instead, they will act out, withdraw, or feign happiness. Anything but exposing themselves and their thoughts/feelings to people they care about. Like being misunderstood, vulnerability is exposing oneself to the scrutiny of others, but in a different way. It’s leaning into the truth, the insecure parts of us, not knowing if those we love will accept us as we truly are. It’s not spectators we fear in vulnerability, rather our fellow gladiators.

“I’m currently dating someone right now, and I see this concept as clear as day in the context of the newer relationship. It’s easy for me to speak my mind to any random person on the street. It’s harder to do so, especially if what I’m saying is unfavorable, to my boyfriend. I have much more to lose by sharing my disappointments. It would be far easier to give a half smile or withdraw when my boyfriend does something that bothers me. This is weakness, though. Instead, I must lean into vulnerability — as uncomfortable as it may be — and share what is bothering me in an…. 

Read the entire article on the Medium platform.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy

Niamo The HealMobile is involved in spiritual transportation! My team and I counsel you to learn and master your Best Direction and take steps to reach your Optimal Destiny.  Read about Directional Services.

> We steer those with whom we connect towards victory, where body-mind-spirit and relationships achieve ubuntu and energy balance. 

> Reiki, Tapping (EFT), Aromatherapy and more are employed to lift you toward realizing your vision. 

> The HealMobile blog, individual meetings, and group sessions teach holistic techniques and pure oils that address stress, weight and cleansing, house cleaning, and clearing debris and roadblocks from your life path for good.

> All services are Zoom, Skype or FaceTime (when in-person meetings are not possible). 

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