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2021 Energy Course Update

NEW COURSE STARTS MARCH 22, 2021! We had an excellent Introductory Session on Zoom for Reiki 1&2/Energy Healing 101. Future classes are slated for Saturdays at 4pm for 5 weeks, beginning January 16.

You can still join us if “energy healing” calls you. One more week and the offer will be closed (1/12).


Allow and discover the healing approaches awaiting you in this certification course. A video of the Intro Session is being prepared now.

Talk to me about your interest. Make appointment on Facebook or text 201-966-1170. 

Case for Unorthodox Medicine — 50+ Years Ago

In 1964, Brian Inglis wrote The Case for Unorthodox Medicine. I came across the book while searching for scientific evidence for the energy course.

Despite the subtitle, there is no A-Z analysis of alternate ways to treat illness. Instead, it begins with a long treatise on the history of allopathic medicine. This is the system used in all U.S. hospitals today, because Western medical training is based on allopathy.

Allopathy is defined as “the treatment of disease by conventional means, i.e., with drugs having opposite effects to the symptoms. Often contrasted with homeopathy.” (emphasis added)

Anyway, I opened the book to see where I’d land, and my eyes fell on these words:

And the trouble with drugs is that they do not usually help the life force; on the contrary, by the 1960’s evidence had begun to accumulate that the use of powerful drugs against simple disorders like flue actually delayed recovery (apart from carrying the risk of side effect). Experiments in hospitals, too, showed that the extensive use of antibiotics as a prophylactic measure to prevent the spread of infection after surgery was of no value; the control groups of patients who did not receive the antibiotics were actually less infection-prone.”

p.156, The Case for Unorthodox Medicine (emphasis added)

An Energy Course for Life Force Advocates

Life force is the meaning of the ki in Reiki. The point of Reiki 1&2/Energy Healing 101 training is to boost life force and give you new tools, techniques and thought patterns. I want to enhance your recovery from the stressed state, illness or dis-ease, and increase your natural state of self-healing power and serenity.

Use the Search box to find out more about learning Reiki and the energy healing approaches I teach. (Aromatherapy, Tapping)

This is not your typical Reiki class. In the U.S. today, you will not get traditional Japanese Usui Reiki combined with powerful energy healing techniques as standard training. It is unusual to teach aromatherapeutic and meridian tapping approaches together in an energy course.

In addition, the certification qualifies people to deal with issues faced by the African Diaspora. The energy course manual is Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism. One of its goals is to help “darker than blue” people grasp their energy-related issues.

I look forward to meeting you.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy

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