10+ Body Signs Scream for a U-Haul! Part 1
- 15
- Dec
Knees give out. Back suddenly stiffens. Shooting pains. Ears ringing. How do you Baby Boomers and Thought Leaders know when you need a U-Haul to take away what’s not working for maintaining your above-the-line health?
Let’s say you have starting eating better and feeling better. IF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PERSIST, SEE A DOCTOR PRONTO (and not at the hospital if possible):
1. Numbness in Arms or Legs — The blood isn’t circulating!
2. Brain Fog — The blood isn’t circulating AND shallow breathing may be the culprit!
3. Unexplained Digestive Problems — Changes in appetite and/or regularity are a heads up!
4. Frequent Exhaustion — The blood isn’t circulating AND you may be constipated!
5. Can’t Fight Off a Cold — Poor circulation often indicates a compromised immune system!
6. Tightening of the Chest — Simple angina may be a sign of something deeper!
7. Cold Hands and Feet — If this is not the norm,* check it out!
8. Vertigo — All three systems may be “off” if the room is spinning!
9. Dark Circles Under the Eyes — Your liver may be working overtime!
10. Brittle Hair and Nails — This can be an early warning sign that you must change!
11. Sudden Foot or Hand Swelling, Ulcers, Varicose Veins
12. Post-Nasal Drip or Sinus Issues That Persist
13. Difficulty Sleeping Without Sitting Up (possible apnea)
* I have sickle cell trait, and sometimes experience cold hands and feet as a matter of course.
- Niamo Muid
- Reiki, Stress, Pain
- Tagged with : above the line health, digestion, mental clarity
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