In the U.S., oncology MD’s want to find a cancer cure more than anything else, and there are all sorts of drugs and pharma products being produced daily to address the need. On the other hand, holistic medicine men and women here and abroad know a least ten (10) ways to stop or alleviate the […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Essential Oils, Women
- Tagged with : cancer, oncology
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Quite a few cancer survivors have thrived way beyond their doctor’s expectations, and most used life hacks or life laws like those suggested by Lorraine Day, M.D. What’s different is Dr. Day is also a cancer survivor with an insider’s view of the medical approach. So I listen closely when she explains why she chose to […]
Continue reading- Niamo Muid
- Above The Line Health, Articles & News, Women
- Tagged with : above the line health, cancer
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