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Special Delivery — HealMobile for You

pic of rolls royce

What if your personal transformation felt like a ride in a Rolls Royce?

As the HealMobile I want to bring healing consciousness to everyone I meet. Sometimes I characterize this service as delivery.

Healing consciousness gets delivered in that I aim to deliver reminders of connection to your interconnectedness with All That Is. Once the connection is strong, healing results.

My purpose is to help you be aware that you are always healing, whole and able.  I speak from the perspective of raising awareness of access to Spirit/Higher Self/God-consciousness.

The HealMobile Mindset

So if you are seeking help, I can help you to presence this access. The reality of where you are right now is a necessary link to where you want to be and go on your healing journey.

I am one who is unafraid to Go There with you, and one who can Drive In or Dive In with you, whenever you are ready. We are healing together and we have mobility in common. Thus, we’re healmobiles.

If not pure coaching, the healing modality you choose use may be foot detox, Reiki, tapping and/or Aroma Freedom Technique. You engage the HealMobile (me) to bring and deliver the cleansing or clearing needed for your optimal holistic health.

You are allowing yourself to energetically prepare for a higher level of  performance and functioning. You are readying your physical life for liftoff and a higher vibratory connection with others. You are embracing your stand and your space.

Special Delivery — Blissful Feeling

I was discussing my capabilities with two colleagues this morning. I consider them both experts in their fields. They are in the early stages of online marketing and their being “behind” in self-promotion is a source of concern for them.

I Wonder As I Wander too! Langston Hughes’ book about his travels is one of my favorites. We live in one world today, and the interconnectedness available through the Internet is still in its early stages of our understanding its profound generational effect.

We have to be willing to take it slow. There is no need to rush into being accessible to seven billion people!

We are all learning. My online HealMobile frequently needs attention, as does my Volvo. It may be a tune-up, oil change, winterizing or detailing. The vehicle gets dings and birds have no respect. Right now my driver side window cannot go down lest is come “off the track” my mechanic said. I am investigating….

Truth be told, I’d like a new vehicle. And I’m prepared to do the work on me, as HealMobile driver, to manifest a new vehicle. It will happen.

I remember how blissful I felt the first time I rode in a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud. It was transforming. I said to myself, THIS is what comfort feels like?

Yes! And I want that feeling for people who engage with me.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

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