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REIKI for Muslims, Christians, Believers, Devotees

Are there Muslims, Christians and other devout believers in your family? Almost a silly question! What about Hebrew Israelites, Yogis, Jews, Buddhists, Yoruba and Santeria followers, and Sufis?

Anyone who holds their relationship to their Creator as sacred is included in this message.

I had to write it because some people think hand-healing is against their religion.

But Reiki is simply another level of consistent practice to improve your wellbeing. (This page has more about Reiki itself.)

As a Believer and Devotee, you already feel called to a path of cleansing, purification, and atonement. You glorify this Other that is bigger than you, because you trust, and your life has become better for it.


I navigate these waters every day. My blessed upbringing in the Episcopal church indirectly led me to declare myself muslim (Ar., submitter; peace offerer) at 25 years old.

Today, as the HealMobile (rhymes with snowmobile), I am calmer, more centered and know how to be still to receive my good.

Reiki has three main meanings — universal life force, spiritual healing energy, The Grace. The latter is a  Catholic take on the Japanese rei-ki, borrowed from my cousin Peter Goldbeck. (Recent Reiki writers are also beginning to use grace as a translation for Reiki.)

Are the other two meanings opposed to teachings of the Qur’an, Bible, the Husia or Odu Ifa? In my readings, absolutely not.

Reiki is an opportunity to receive with open arms everything that is promised through your chosen religion, spiritual path or way of life. 

So, what is Reiki for Muslims, Christians and Other Believers? As an early brochure* stated, it is an opportunity to…

R…render, radiate, raise, refresh, revive, and relax to

E…encourage, edify, equip and express everything energy being

I…invisible, indelible and indicative of

K…kindness shared by keepers of Kabbalah, Kaaba, Kmet & Kristos kindred

I…inspired by immense intentions toward Ineffable Infinity

For Muslims, Christians and Believers, Reiki May Mean:

  • A health ministry at my church or mosque
  • Relief for my parent’s joint pain complaints
  • Relief of my stress
  • Support to my physical body that always feels tired
  • A way to cleanse and balance my chakras
  • Restoration of my sense of equilibrium
  • The possibility of the unveiling of my life purpose
  • An increase in my speedy recovery from surgery
  • A way to stay serene and manage my emotions
  • A way to explore my feelings safely
  • Deepening of my understanding of God
  • Deeper spiritual connection period (enhanced meditation)
  • Improved, more honest relationships
  • Relief from headaches and stomach aches
  • A return to self-trust and composure
  • A technique to pass along to your children for long-lasting holistic health

*Download the new Reiki brochure now (PDF). Please note, Reiki services are also available in Montclair NJ at Flowers Healing Arts & CKG, 460 Bloomfield Ave. Text me if this location can work for you (201) 966-1170

–Rev. Niamo Nancy

Claim Note:

The HealMobile offers educational and inspirational services and information. Many statements and health claims on this site are still under Food and Drug Administration (or other agency) review, and awaiting approval. The HealMobile wants the best care for visitors, but cannot diagnose, cure or treat any disease, mental illness, or chronic medical condition.

For long-standing physical or emotional problems, see your medical doctor or licensed health professional. Share your interest in the holistic approach with him or her, and ask for help in creating a plan for the complete healing of the symptoms and causes that concern you.

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