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Trauma-Informed Training for Activists & Healthcare Workers


Original price was: $1,950.00.Current price is: $995.00.

This 4-Step Science-based Course is also suitable for healthcare workers in chiropractic, coaching, counseling, dentistry, medical tech, midwifery, pharmacy, physical therapy and the like. Paypal Payments accepted Click here.


This 4-step, science-based HealMobile Certification Course is suitable for workers in chiropractic, coaching, counseling, dentistry, medical tech, midwifery, pharmacy, physical therapy, home health aide, and the like. The store itselfs accepts Stripe credit card payments.  PayPal accepted; click here for PayPal. (See other options on store page.)

How did we arrive at prices? Each course is worth a lifetime of self-healing action, if applied reverently and regularly. At 4 x each of 4 modalities at only $500 each, the total is $2000, decreased by $50 for the 1st-cut-discount sake. Slashing the cost again by about half, the new discount price is the result through the end of May 2025.

If you have visited our training site, you know we call it the 3-in-1 A.R.T. program. We forward the notion that Life is a Work of ART, not a Work in Progress, as people are fond of saying. ART stands for A.romas, R.eiki, T.apping just the first three modalities you can become proficient in, in this intensive course.

We ARE ALWAYS growing and learning, this is without question. We are always also breathing, and the 4th modality  mentioned above is Breathology, and using your respiratory apparatus as your go-to when nothing else works.

Join the training site on the HealMobile Academy page for more information, and an even bigger discount than listed here. You are not getting more for your money anywhere else, not for a lifetime of spiritual counsel and support, by the Grace! In both instances I want to keep the prices low through the end of May 2025.

For serious inquiries only, ASK FIRST BEFORE ORDERING:  drNiamo [at] theHealMobile [dot] com.

Or, TEXT ONLY– “HM ACADEMY DETAILS” to 716-277-8249.

Thank you,

Dr Niamo



The HealMobile Team is NOT an in-crowd. All of us love freedom as much as we love following our bliss. Members are like-minded folk who use essential oils, traditional healing methods such as acupuncture, and a variety of goods and services dedicated to wholeness and wellness, supporting us to “take flight” as well as ground ourselves.

Our affiliate page is in development. As Dr. Fu Kiau asked in his book, Self-Healing Power and Therapy, What are YOU here to help grow? I would add, How do you see your affiliation with The HealMobile enhancing your  mission? This will be the guiding principle of our official, online affiliate relationships, in the spirit of  cooperative economics and familyhood–ujamaa–the 4th principle of Kwanzaa.

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