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Book – Light on Reiki


Reiki Manual – Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism. Please note this softcover book comes at no cost with Reiki 1&2 Energy Healing 101 Registration.


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Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism is for the curious reader interested in natural healing, energy medicine, and how the two intersect with African diaspora culture and ancient African wisdom.
One of the first things readers learn is that Reiki has spawned innovations and complementary approaches such as Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Touch for Health, Pranic Healing, and many more which are now offered at forward-thinking hospitals and clinics. Nurses were at the forefront and now some MD’s are promoting energy healing or energy massage through these and other methods.
Reiki, along with Chinese energy forms such as qi gong and tai-chi chuan, is a grandparent of holistic health alternatives in the U.S. Light on Reiki and Neo-African Mysticism draws inspiration from Reiki’s fascinating start in Japan as well as the Abrahamic traditions, Kmet, West and Central Africa and the African Diaspora experience.
The story of my own exposure to Reiki, along with its contribution to my self-care and spiritual growth, is woven into the book as well. We can learn from each other and Reiki enhances our ability to receive learning AND healing.
  • Contains Reiki Tools: 
    • breathing techniques
    • chakras
    • pendulum
    • crystals
    • symbols
    • professional considerations
  • Details
    • Illustrated. 
    • Digital Version with 30 color pages. (Full-color)
    • Softcover with 20 color pages. – $24.95 list price – book is included with Reiki and Energy Healing training

ALL BOOK BUYERS that wish to learn more can ask questions or consult with me, no matter where they are in the world. Online meeting link on Facebook.com/healmobile.

30-DAY GUARANTEEIf you are not intrigued or satisfied, I do offer a 30-day, money back guarantee.

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