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Foot Detox

Jumpstart All-Body Cleansing with a Foot Detox

foot detox image at startTry a foot detox approach for addressing health imbalances. We pride ourselves on looking great on the outside, but what’s really going on inside?

The Phoenix Foot Bath is a fast, effective and non-invasive way of stimulating and balancing the bioenergetic fields of the body. The process facilitates better organ function and auto-detoxification naturally, through your feet, like sweating.

By working energetically, the Phoenix stimulates different tissues, organs and systems so that they can carry out their natural detoxifying process better. The effect of the electromagnetic field created with the solution is to stimulate your body to bio-energetically rebalance. The result is better tissue, organ and system function and improved circulation.
foot detox after 30 minutes
Yes it looks nasty, doesn’t it? This person has all kinds of toxins coming out of him, possibly from yeast, dairy, heavy metals and an over-taxed liver.

WE WILL VISIT YOU or you can come to us in Englewood, New Jersey. Call 201-966-1170 to get your Gift Certificate and to arrange an appointment. Our team members serve NY, NJ, CT and PA.

Prices vary, from $45 and up, depending on massage and oils used. 3 basic sessions now $125.00. Pay in advance get a 4th session FREE

Get started with a free 15-minute holistic health consultation by texting me at (201) 966-1170.

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