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OIL UP! 4 Astonishing Benefits

Oil Up with man-boy.

Courtesy Advanced Auto Parts

I’m known as the Oil Lady and I’ll oil up in public at the drop of a hat. This HealMobile needs oiling consistently!

I’m not being OCD or holier-than-thou or even plain old mercenary (always toting a bag of oils to sell). Yes, these ARE in play. And in PLAY is the truth of the matter.

WHY? Because it’s fun. Essential oils from this seeded and blossoming earth lighten my load in an astonishing way. They wake me up to where my life is right NOW. Then I can do something about whatever is going on, operating at OPTIMUM.

You are doing yourself a disservice if you haven’t tried the basics, lavender and peppermint.

If you have, it may be time to change lanes. Why not visit the wider world of using pure and uncut essential oils for body, mind, and emotional transformation?

Why to OIL UP

  1. Essential oils oxygenate the cells. This means greater cellular activity which translates to increased energy, more efficient body systems, and mobility.
  2. Oils are the missing link in modern health care. Diffusion of oils is making headway in hospitals to support children’s, maternity, and cancer ward patients.
  3. Oils are protective in that viruses, pathogens and bad bacteria and microbes cannot adapt to them and become resistant. Every harvest yields a slightly different formulation that’s provided only by nature and cannot be duplicated in a laboratory.
  4. Distilled aromatics link the 5th, 6th and 7th chakras or energy vortexes governing your truth-speaking, perception and intuition, and spiritual connection. Did you know you smell when you taste? Or that scent can remove unwanted memories? Or that a feeling of bliss is attainable in a blink of an eye?

Ask me why to oil up if any of the above seems astonishing to you.

How to OIL UP

  • If you aren’t used to using oils, break yourself in by using your favorite basic oils on a regular basis.*  (Rotating in palms to activate then spot anointing and inhaling, of course.)
  • Drink lots of water. Toxins are released and need flushing.
  • Use your favorite oils for at least two weeks to a month.
  • Stop for several days and don’t oil up (do not revert to chemical-laden products when you ease up –you’ll diminish the effects)
  • Start up using them again.
  • Get a new oil you haven’t tried but others have raved about.** Try it diluted first. If you can’t dilute, remember the largest pores for the most immediate results are the soles of the feet, so use the oil there first
  • Become a member of an oils-buying club. I’m an executive with the world leader, Young Living Essential Oils. It’s better to join this group than Costco or BJ’s–trust me.  Join me here.

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid


Use my YLEO Member #952900 HealMobile Ministry if you join on the Young Living site or call them to sign you up at 1-800-371-3515.

*basic and great–orange, lemon/lime, cedar wood, eucalyptus, frankincense, cypress, rosemary, ylang ylang, marjoram.

**Women can try chamomile, geranium, neroli and sandalwood. Men can try balsam fir, black spruce and juniper. Using essential oils to maintain above-the-line health IS a lifestyle and “lane change” for most, and I can be of help if you reach out.


The HealMobile offers educational and inspirational services and information. Many statements and health claims on this site are still under Food and Drug Administration (or other agency) review, and awaiting approval. The HealMobile wants the best care for visitors, but cannot diagnose, cure or treat any disease, mental illness, or chronic medical condition.

For long-standing physical or emotional problems, see your medical doctor or licensed health professional. Share your interest in the holistic approach with him or her, and ask for help in creating a plan for the complete healing of the symptoms and causes that concern you.

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