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No Energy, Soar Anyway! Confession thoughts…

pic of tea and cocoa for thoughtsI confess my thoughts almost defeated me….

Lack of energy is one of the primary reasons we are susceptible to stress. The miracle body is doing its work internally, and we think doing more work, externally, will help. This is a bad habit.

The tug of war is one we lose, because when the body says No, the answer is No. The result is wear and tear as we fight the natural response to actionable energy (gotta to-do). I’m going somewhere with this, so please stick with me.

Mental energy can take over, even though the mind may be tired, lack focus and feel the pressure of an oncoming headache.

What to do? It’s simple. Use thought.

Let’s say you don’t have rosemary, peppermint or lemon aromas or essential oils, to name a few smells that “wake up” the mind. It is the contents of your mind, your thoughts, that can give you needed energy to soar in a way you may not expect.

This morning I had a dull, lagging feeling in my brain and didn’t feel up to getting out of bed. I had prayed and read scripture, checked emails and messages on the smart phone, in that order. Ok, it was some work….

I journaled about the dream I had, and then got up to warm up water for  my morning drink with apple cider vinegar. In the back of my mind was to-do blogging — I had started a post yesterday about having no energy or no oils, and being able to soar anyway.

And here we are. And at first I had nothing to write.

Tapping On What’s Real

I started softly tapping my forehead to kind of shake the dull ache away from my frontal cortex. Then I realized I could do Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping.

I started on my karate chop point, Even though I don’t know what I’m going to write about, I accept myself and love myself, forgive myself for not having a clue…and on and on. I talked it out as the needed Set-up Statement.

As I did several rounds of tapping, around eyes, under nose and mouth and more, I got clearer and clearer about what was going on with me.

What’s Going On

I’ve been blogging for months and would love people to respond to my writings. I’m not blogging to make money off of advertising, but I am blogging to bring attention to my services for people.

So, now, from tapping, I got the idea that I’m blogging to advertise myself. This may be a Duh revelation to many of you, but a part of me is not entirely comfortable with it. I tapped on not being particularly good at this self-promotion piece.

It’s been said I do a great job serving people with my skills and products. Using the web to promote what I do? Not so much.

The awesomeness of the contrast between what I do and the results I get makes me want to lay down and sleep. No energy. But I’m still tapping and smelled rosemary. The Reveal is oh so sweet…

Down Time Goes Around Time

Now, back to what you can do if you have no energy or oils, and don’t tap or use EFT. Use the power of thought. Look through your mind instead of letting it foist thoughts upon you.

Let the down time of lack of energy be the time you talk to the thoughts.

Notice the Have-To and Must-Do statements. They’ll sound like authority figures trying to run your life. Try to laugh at the “monkey-mind” chatter (noted in Buddhism).

At least, consider smiling at the ludicrous thoughts going through your mind. Repel them all.

When my body cannot keep up, I know my mind and the neurons that feed my brain also need a rest.

The emphasis on To-Do lists, mobility and being in action needs to shut down more often than we think. Here’s what I found: Down time can help you go around time,  and ignore time limitations and expectations.

Thinking thoughts to calm down works. Then, like me, you may notice better thoughts for how to better manage and just Be-With your life.

Have fun observing your brilliance, forgiveness and foolishness. I’d love to hear your stories and feedback so please respond .

–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid

Pictured are two of my favorite de-stressing drinks. I sometimes add them together. Like right now!


The HealMobile offers educational and inspirational services and information. Many statements and health claims on this site are still under Food and Drug Administration (or other agency) review, and awaiting approval. The HealMobile wants the best care for visitors, but cannot diagnose, cure or treat any disease, mental illness, or chronic medical condition.

For long-standing physical or emotional problems, see your medical doctor or licensed health professional. Share your interest in the holistic approach with him or her, and ask for help in creating a plan for the complete healing of the symptoms and causes that concern you.

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