Healing Ministry
- 01
- Nov

The HealMobile Sanctuary, a place to release. Note the Akan Gye Nyame over the window. It means nothing happens Except God (knows fully that it happens)
I received excellent training from the Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry Program, organized in 1997 and online at ISHAHealing.com.
I studied clinical aromatherapy under the HTSP founder Linda Smith, RN, MS, HNC, CHTP/I. All the letters mean she is an expert in using pure oils in hospital settings and practices and teaches Healing Touch, which is a form of Reiki (spiritual healing energy or laying-on of hands).
I was enrolled in the HTSP aromatherapy certification program in 2007 and 2008. We were taught Healing Touch techniques and I was overjoyed the training was so comprehensive.
Prof. Smith, perhaps because she is a former Catholic nun, taught with universal understanding and heart-centered compassion. Her caring professionalism is part of the reason I was inspired to shape the HealMobile as a ministry rather than a commercial enterprise.
Among its many workshops, certification courses, and books, HTSP offers instruction in creating healing ministries in ministry settings–primarily Christian ones.
Knowing my family/community is mostly Christian and would benefit, I purchased a wonderfully packed booklet entitled HTSP Presents Suggested Guidelines and Policies for a Healing Ministry, Fourth Edition.
Topics include:
- why consider a healing ministry at your church
- what is the difference between the laying-on of hands and Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry
- how to handle requests for the laying-on of hands and other HTSM healing techniques
- anointing with healing oils*
- qualifications for healing ministry
- training and education for healing ministry team members
- accountability
- supervision
- release (consent form) for laying-on of hands and other HTSM healing techniques
Suggested guidelines and policies are provided for each of these topics, including prayers and references from the Bible.
I am interested in adapting this work to other religious groups, especially Islamic and traditional African and indigenous ones. Prof. Smith said there was a Muslim student in the Virgin Islands who said she was going to develop an anointing ministry within her mosque. What became of this effort is unknown.
For my part, for some time I’ve been gathering information this kind of information to be used in starting a healing or anointing ministry. If you are interested in this phase of healing service, get in touch with me.
–Rev. Niamo Nancy Muid**
*The booklet disclaimer says its instructions “are a guide to the practice of the laying-on of hands and anointing with healing oils. It is not meant to be a replacement for traditional health care, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment for illness. Refer to a licensed medical practitioner for medical care.”
**It won’t hurt to repeat here that I’m an ordained-minister practitioner, enabled to touch you with oils and Healing Touch; as well as an ordained minister able to provide leadership of your life celebration events.